Hello once again my wonderful readers! Before I get into this weeks blog post I wanted to thank everyone who sent me positive messages after my anxiety blog post and I am happy to say that I am feeling much better now. I am also glad that my being so open about my struggles have made those of my readers also having a hard time with their mental health not feel so alone: if anything those are the messages I appreciate most because it in turn makes me feel less alone and push me to keep being honest because I know I am making a difference. So once again I am very thankful for everyone's support and all the positivity that surrounds my blog, the kindness community I am building continues to grow. I guess it is true when they say that your vibe attracts your tribe because you are all so lovely.
Back to what we are talking about today, baby groups and activities. Since Ella-Grace was 4 weeks old I have been taking her to groups and activities every week. It has been great for me to build my confidence in taking Ella-Grace out and also making some much needed mum friends as well as for Ella-Grace to get her being used to being around other children and adults and building her social skills/confidence. Now 11 months old she is confident, happy and adores being out at her groups. We have been to our fair share of groups/activities now, some great and we have stuck with some not so good and so we haven't been back to, so I thought I would share the one's we love in case any of my fellow mums and dads wanted to know. We live in Aberdeen, Scotland so this might not be helpful to those who don't live in this area but if you want an idea of things you could look for in your area or what is different here compared to where you live then you might still find it a good read. I will include any pictures I have from the groups as well as time, location and contact details in case anyone is interested in attending. Who knows, maybe we will see you at the groups.
Peep Group
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First time at Peep group- 4 weeks old |
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Peep group at almost 1 year old |
Peep group was the first baby group that I took Ella-Grace to when she was just 4 weeks old- even though your not really meant to go anywhere for 6 weeks after a c-section but I couldn't help myself, I needed out of the flat and I am so glad I did. For those of you who may not know, Peep group is a free group that all mothers in Aberdeen are invited to by their health visitor, they are run in several areas in Aberdeen. There is a baby peep group and a toddler peep group (which Ella-Grace is soon to switch to). When my health visitor told me about it and my two nearest group locations I emailed them and got a space pretty quickly (there can be a waiting list sometimes I think). The group does lots of activities such as messy play, sensory play, songs, stories and more. I made a few very close mum friends in this group and Ella-Grace made a lot of baby friends which is such a boost to have people going what you are going through and you can support each other. This I have to say is one of my favourite groups still and I think that is because we have been going so long, the location is close and the leader is very welcoming and informative. Definitely recommend this weekly group (you may be able to access this group in other parts of the UK but I am not 100% sure).
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Ella-Grace and her best-friend Lauren at Peep |
Nursery Rhyme and Story Time
This is another group that I have been going to since Ella-Grace was around 4 weeks old which I really love. It is located in the city centre (Waterstones, Trinity centre, Aberdeen) which is handy for going for a coffee after group with other parents, doing some shopping after or for Ella-Grace and I, we get to meet Daddy on his lunch break because he works just across the road from Trinity. It is only a half an hour group so good to get you started and as far as I am aware you get 10% off books the day of the group if you attend. It is not usually that busy and there are babies and children of all ages. So if you are interested this group runs half 10 till 11 every Wednesday in Waterstones,
Ella-Grace has always loved a bath so we weren't surprised that when we took her swimming for the first time when she was 4 months old that she loved it. We haven't taken her to any swimming lessons yet (although we are thinking about booking some after her birthday) but we have took her swimming a few times now and she enjoys it so much and it really tires her out. As long as she is fed and had a nap before she can stay in the pool for up to 2 hours with us- the only problem is getting out which she does not like haha. We prefer the beach leisure center pool as it is warmer for the babies and as far as I have seen very clean, the only thing to watch out for is that the showers are probably a bit too hot to just put your baby right under so make sure someone comes with you to hold your baby while you rinse off and you can splash some on your baby. There is also a cafe that you can go to after if you need to feed your baby or yourself after. More information such as prices and opening times on the website https://www.sportaberdeen.co.uk/beach-leisure-centre
Another group that Ella-Grace and I made a lot of friends at is the Bookbug group which is ran at several libraries around Aberdeen but we go to the one in the city centre again so we can meet Reece for lunch after, walk around the shops etc. This group is also free but you do have to book in advance which you can do over the phone or email. I found out about this through my health visitor when they gave me my first 'bookbug' pack for Ella-Grace when she was new born.It is quite a popular group so can be quite busy (not sure how it is at other locations) so if you prefer quieter groups it may not be for you but Ella-Grace has enjoyed it a lot in her first year and would still recommend giving it a go- you can borrow a book after to. More information on the website https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/libraries-and-archives/children-and-young-people/bookbug/bookbug-sessions-aberdeen
Soft Play
There are so many soft play areas in Aberdeen and most of them have a baby area. We have been to a few and the one we really like is Little Monsters in Berryden. It is quiet and small compared more popular ones such as Codonas which is perfect for us. It is also near a big Sainsburies which we like to have a nosey in every now and again since we don't live near that area. The picture above and below is in Little Monsters. They have a good baby area, changing facilities and a small cafe and tables so you can have a cup of tea or some lunch. Under 6 months are free and Under 1's are £1. The only down side is it is upstairs so if you have a pram then it can be quite difficult to take it up the flight of stairs but worth it when you are up there.
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