Happy Mothers Day....
Obviously Mothers Day has now passed but since this is a blog post all about the day that is 'Mothering Sunday', I would like to say a massive HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the mums, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, single dads and anyone else taking on the mothering role, I hope you all had an amazing day celebrating how amazing you are. I also know for some people this day is especially hard, whether that be because you are a mother who has lost a child, a child who has lost a mother, a woman struggling to become a mother, a child who's mother is not around or whom you do not have a good bond with. Everyone views this day differently and goes through different emotions but I hope at the end of this day we all come together and support each other whether that be in celebration or grief.
I am fortunate enough to have my mother and be a mother and I cannot tell you how appreciative I am for these two things. This will be the basis of this blog post (as well as a little bit about how my second mothers day went). I hope you enjoy this post and happy reading.
My Mum...
So to the woman that started it all for me: my mum. I am not going to say that our mother-daughter relationship has been perfect and we had some pretty bad arguments when I lived at home but since moving out and especially since I got pregnant, we have become very close. I guess it's true what they say 'A mum and a daughter are closest when a daughter becomes a mum'. So close in fact that as well as Reece, she was my birthing partner and I gave Ella-Grace her name as a middle name ( Ella-Grace Angela)
My mum is the kindest, funniest and most polite person I know and how she handled me and all my siblings (all together there is 8 of us by the way) by herself sometimes when my Dad was away in the army I will never know. She has gone through some really hard times but has always managed to stay strong and do all she can for her children. She has also made Reece feel very welcomed since we started going out and Ella-Grace absolutely adores her. I am very proud to call her my mum.
My Second Mothers Day...
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26th March 2017- My first Mothers Day (Ella-Grace 1 week old) |
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11th March 2018- My second Mothers Day (Ella-Grace 11 months old) |
Now this may be a bit confusing to some of you because Ella-Grace hasn't even turned one yet but this is in fact my second Mothers Day, meaning I have been lucky enough to have two Mothers day's in less than a year and it's all down to the dates. So Ella-Grace was born on the 19th of March 2017 and Mothers Day was on the 26th of March 2017 then this year Mothers Day was on the 11th of March 2018, just over a week before Ella-Grace's birthday, resulting in this being my second Mothers Day. Sorry if that sounds patronising I have just had so many people saying happy first mothers day so didn't want any confusion when I said it was my second mothers day.
So onto the day itself, apart from having a bad migraine in the afternoon and having to lie down for a while, I had a brilliant Mothers Day which was a lot better than my first. Now don;t get me wrong my first mothers day was very cute, Reece made me breakfast in bed and got me flowers and a card and Ella-Grace was so tiny and cute but that soon after having a baby (especially after my c-section) I was very sore and very emotional so I am pretty sure I spent most of the day reaching for my pain killers and wiping away tears. Baby blues is real and it won't just go away because it is Mothers Day, so if any Mom's out there are in the same boat I was in last year, struggling through pain and baby blues don't worry you will heal and feel better and it is okay if you are not ecstatic today, it will just make you appreciate your next mothers day even more. So pain gone and in a better frame of mind, I woke up on Mothers Day, walked into the living room and was greeted with Reece and Ella-Grace next to a Mothers Day banner, flowers and a card. It was very sweet.
The day continued with pancakes for breakfast, a bit of shopping and a lovely lunch out (Reece had found somewhere that mum's ate free that day so we got to save some pennies for the wedding as well which is always a good thing!). Then honesty I spent the rest of the day in bed because I wasn't feeling well, I felt really lazy but Reece reminded me that Mothers Day is a day for me to relax from all my normal mum duties and let him take over haha, usually my control freak self would be like no way but I was in no position to argue and enjoyed my little nap. It also gave Ella-Grace some time with Daddy which she always loves. I, as all Mothers, work my butt off every day and try my best to be a great mum to Ella-Grace at the same time as balancing everything else (writing, cleaning, socialising, cooking and more) so I think Mothers Day is well deserved and I am very proud of the job I have done as a Mother so far. Giving myself a pat on the back as we speak haha (or should I say as I type? As you read? you know what I mean).
Thank You...
Just a short one, I hope you enjoyed reading it! Mothers Day is quickly becoming my favourite day- except Christmas, nothing can beat Christmas- as I just adore being a Mum and it is something I am very proud to be so to be able to celebrate it makes me very happy and reinforces in me that I am doing a good job! All Mothers are amazing of course but before I go I would like to say a massive Happy Mothers Day to a few of my Mummy friends (pictures below) that I have made since I had Ella-Grace who have been such an amazing support and I can say first-hand that they are super women!....
Stay Happy Everyone :)!
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