Hi readers or maybe just Hi to myself, my friends/family who might take a glance and my fiancé who promised to read my blog (if it's interesting enough for him haha). Who ever is reading, hello I hope your day has gone amazing!

So I guess I should start with some basic details about myself...
My name is LauraJane. Age 20. Female. Engaged to a wonderful man and currently 40 weeks pregnant with our first child, a baby girl. I'm currently on maternity leave from my job as a care assistant for adults and children with disabilities and I study social sciences, I am a strong believer in equal rights and everyone being able to be who they are. Goal in life: Be a good person and make a difference.
That's all the get to know me stuff out the way, now why I've decided to start a blog...
A lot led up to me deciding to start a blog.
Since I was a little girl I've always loved to read books and for as long as I can remember I've wrote a diary and short stories of my own, I'm actually surprised it's took me this long to start a blog!
I am currently 3 days over baby's due date and as any expectant mother would know as well as the extreme excitement and nerves, I am feeling massive and very bored because of all the waiting! This has put my mind on overdrive (when will the baby come? Will I have to be induced? Will she get here before my fiancé has to go back to work?) so to take my mind off this slightly I thought it would help to type it all out.
I am a very opinionated person (which I'm sure you will find out through these blog posts) a blessing at times as I am proud of things I believe in and I'm happy I know my own mind but at the same time the amount of thoughts I have sometimes is overwhelming for me and probably my fiancé (he's a keeper for listening to me rant about so many things!) So yeah a blog will let me get all these opinions/thoughts out and maybe I will meet other people on the internet who want to chat about the same stuff or who knows maybe I will help someone out in their life (THAT'S THE DREAM!) So that's another reason for my new venture into blogging.
Mainly I'm starting a blog to give my brain a break from thinking, my mouth a break from talking, get all my views and feelings out there in the world and maybe somewhere someone will read and like it and if not its a great diary for me!
What type of posts will there be...
I'm not expecting much to come from this blog, I'm happy to use it as a personal blog to just chat to myself on but if by some magic I manage to channel my inner 'Zoella' and people enjoy my posts here is some of the things you will likely see me post:
- New Mum Journey: Obviously when little girl arrives she will be the centre of my world and it will be a totally new experience, changing me as a person for life. I mean I will be a MUM, that's a big responsibility. So I will be writing about my thoughts and feelings on being a new mum which will hopefully help me through any tough times I will face and I know many girls and boys becoming parents who can feel alone or scared when they are going through this new change as I'm sure I will so hopefully as well as providing myself with sanity I can help others, that's always the goal!
-Anxiety/Panic Attacks: For a while now I have suffered with Anxiety and panic attacks and although I have quite a good grip on handling it at the moment, I have my bad days and becoming a new mum I'm sure will trigger it a bit but keeping positive and again with the aim to help others writing everything down will help myself and others hopefully. I will probably do a whole post on this, telling my story even if this doesn't reach an audience I'm sure it will be good self help.
-Thoughts and Opinions: Like anyone I have my views and opinions on the world for example I am a massive (please don't be scared away by this word) Feminist. Just to clarify I mean equal rights for EVERYONE, so often people think feminists have double standards or only think about female rights I would like to challenge this stereotype on the internet and show that Feminism is not scary and is exactly what it says on the tin: equal rights for both genders: at least that's my version of it. That is one example of what I'm passionate about anyways, if you don't agree fair enough again just a way to get my views and opinions out my head and maybe get in touch with some people in the world who do agree.
-Life: It is what it is, an online diary for myself wouldn't be just that without posts about my life. Hopefully someone will find it interesting :)
Till next time...
So yeah that's me and what I want to write about. I realise this post is just me rambling on about myself and its probably full of grammatical errors but hey practice makes perfect and at the moment this is a personal diary :)
So yeah I'm going to try post as much as I can between the nappy changes and feedings when baby finally gets here, if anyone actually liked reading this thank you I will try continue to interest you and any advice is very welcome.
That's it then my first blog post!
Stay Happy Everyone :)!!!!
I absolutely loved reading this. Love the way you write stuff, very down to earth and honest.
ReplyDeleteThank you! That's the aim just want to be genuine and truthful, glad you enjoyed it ! xxx
DeleteAmazing LauraJane! Love that you just say what you think! Can't wait to read more!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Will be posting again soon :) xx