A Quick Update!
And let the Induction process begin! Hello readers, thank
you for coming back to my blog people who have been before and if this is your
first time here HEY hope you will enjoy reading. So currently 11.30pm, baby’s
heartrate just checked (all looking good) and I am unable to get back to sleep.
Good job I have my Queen B playlist and blog to keep me busy through this
sleepless night.
So, since I can’t sleep or when I do manage to drift off I
end up being woken up by nurses for checks I thought it would be the perfect
time to write a quick update on what’s going on. At about 7am this morning I
woke up and made some toast for me and Reece, riddled with nerves and
excitement we ate our toast and got ready for the day. My parents who were driving
us to the hospital left their house (which is an hour away) at 9am to come and
pick us up, I phoned the hospital to ask what time they would like me to come
in to which they responded with 11.30 am. YAY felt like baby girl was finally
going to be here even though I know inductions can be lengthy at least it was a
start. My parents arrived at around 10 am and we decided since we had time to
kill we would go over the road for a cooked breakfast and a chat, my dad chill
as usual and my mum beaming with excitement. Reece and I still feeling the same
as we were earlier, excited, and nervous. Breakfast finished we headed to the
hospital and got checked into the ward, Reece accompanying me to the ward and
my parents waiting in the café until we could go out and meet them.
For anyone that is interested to know my birthing partners
are obviously my fiancé, Reece, and my mum. So, they had decided to swap
sitting with me in the induction as only one person is allowed in the induction
ward with you (9am till 9pm) unless you go out to the lounge or café. This all
things I learned today for the first time as it is my first baby, just relaying
the information for all my readers who maybe have not had this experience
before. Now checked in there was a lot of waiting, as there would be in a
hospital it was quite busy. Surrounded by women who were all in pain and from
what I could tell progressing a lot faster than I was, I expected this to make
me more nervous but weirdly it made me less nervous knowing all these women
were in the same boat as me and we would all have to go through a similar
pain... don’t know if anyone else felt this way when they were in the hospital
but that’s how I felt. I tried to take comfort from the other women’s pain
instead of fear. Around 12.30pm the baby’s heartrate was checked along with my
blood pressure- all fine- then my cervix was examined. Dilated 0… ugh. I
expected this but still it’s disappointing, I just want my baby girl here! The
midwife then inserted a pessary which she said would be in place for 24 hours
unless I go into labour before this time. Here is hoping that it helps me
dilate at least a little, 1cm and I would be ecstatic! The midwife informed me
that I had to lie on my side for half an hour to which then I thought it was meant
that she would come back to check but she didn’t so I ended up waiting for
almost 2 hours just to find out she didn’t need to check on me and I could have
gone for a walk. What an idiot I felt like haha oh well. So, I got dressed
being careful not to dislodge the pessary and Reece and I went for a walk to
meet my anxious parents who had probably had 5 + cups of tea/ coffee by now out
of boredom.
An hour or two past, I had had a hot chocolate and gone for
a walk to try get things going. Nothing yet. Went back to the ward to ask if we
were okay to get a Chinese with my parents (Dad’s treat woo!) and eat it in the
sitting area to which they were more than happy for us to do. After eating more
Chinese food than I’d like to admit Reece and I went back to the ward to get
baby’s heart rate checked again, all fine! Then midwife gave us the all clear
to go for another wonder, back to the café we went! Time now being around half
Reece, my parent’s, and I sat and chatted until about half 8
at which time I was shattered and had to be getting back to the ward anyways
before they had to leave and go home. So, I said goodbye to my mum and dad
until tomorrow and Reece came back with me to the ward to help me settle in
before he had to leave.
Blankets now on my bed, teeth brushed, face washed, movie on
and pyjamas looked out it was now time for Reece to go home until the morning.
Cue floods of tears. I’m perfectly capable of spending time away from Reece but
hormones kicked in and I don’t know it was just so nice having him near like a
comfort blanket, damn love is weird makes you an emotional wreck. He dried my
tears and gave me a cuddle then off he went for some well-deserved sleep. Miss
him so much, roll on 9am!!
Now in my pyjamas, I watched the rest of the movie (Finding
Dory btw) and tried to get some sleep. I got about an hour before being woken
up for checks and that brings me to right now.
So, that’s the update! Not very interesting so far, aside
from a few period type pains it was just a day of waiting around and replying
to anxious messages from friends and family so sorry about that but my feedback
from readers have praised my truthfulness and that’s the truth: Induction (to
my experience so far anyway) is slow, slow and slow some more. A lot of waiting
and checking and cups of tea... so much tea!!! I hope you enjoyed this quick
update not sure when I will be able to post again as I’m hoping baby girl makes
her appearance very soon and the next post I will be writing about will be my
birth experience and introducing baby girl to the blog. Might take a while to
get done as I’m sure baby girl will occupy my every waking moment but WATCH
THIS SPACE! I will get there! Thanks for reading, feedback is always welcome!
Till next time!
Stay Happy Everyone J!
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