Something Different...
Hi there readers! I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog post is something a bit different to what I usually write about, its a DIY (do it yourself) project. I'm in no way amazing at DIY but I do dabble in it now and again, its something I really enjoy doing and I know a lot of people would like to read. So here it is.
Why Harry Potter?...
Why Harry Potter? Well for 1. Why not? haha and 2. My niece turned 7 years old on Sunday and the day before (so the Saturday) she was having a harry potter themed birthday party. I had known about it for a while but couldn't decide what to dress Ella-Grace up as, all the costumes I had seen on the internet were either really expensive or not a character, just a quote on clothing such as 'snuggle this muggle' or 'she/he has just been born'. These although cute not what I wanted. So I decided last minute that I would make her outfit for her (I had never felt like more of a mum in my life haha). Toying between making her a Dobby costume or Harry Potter, I decided that Dobby's ears would be too difficult and Harry Potter would look so cute.
Off to the nearest/biggest craft store in town (Hobby-craft) I went hunting for the things I needed. Unfortunately I didn't have time to get some minor details I would of wanted such as the glasses which I couldn't find anywhere in baby size, a small owl toy or baby safe facepaint for the scar (I did draw it on with some brown eyeshadow and a brush but I was scared it was bad for her skin so I wiped it off)) so yeah she might just look like a school kid with a cape but oh well I thought it was cute and everyone at the party knew what I was going for.
What you need...
All this cost less than £10 (Probably around £6/7)
All you need is...
-Black felt (I used a sparkly one to add more magic)
-Red Felt
-Dark Yellow Felt
-Glue Gun and Some Glue to go in it (the one I bought came with glue)
-Safety Pins (which I never actually ended up using but you might)
-Plain White Vest
Step 1: Draw a tie shape in the Yellow or Red Fabric
I personally chose to use the yellow fabric to draw out my tie on as it is a lighter color therefore easier to see the pencil lines on. I would advise using pencil not pen and starting to draw it nearer a corner for easier cutting and if you make a mistake then have to re-do it you will still have plenty space. So yes I googled 'Griffindor tie' and copied the shape the best I could. Remember this tie is for a baby (mine being almost 5 months old) so it doesn't have to be massive. After this move on to the next step: Cutting.
Step 2: Cut out the tie
Not much to say for this one it is quite a simple task, just cut out the tie and check you are hapy with it. If not re-do it. I was happy with mine so I continued on,
Step 3: Cut out strips from the Red fabric
Again quite straigh forward, just cut out a few straight strips of the red fabric. I cut out 3 and that was enough but it depends on the length of your tie/width of strips.
Step 4: Place on tie and pencil on where needs cut
Obviously the strips will only cover part of the tie so once you have drawn and cut these out you will have to repeat this process for the end of the tie with the left over parts of the strips. But yes place on top of tie to see what angle the strips need to be and how they need to be cut then pencil marks on.
Step 5: Cut out strips and repeat step 4

You should end up with perfectly fitting strips (it was hard to get them at the right angle but possible) and then as I previously said repeat step 4 with the end of the tie and left over strips until you have a pile of stripes for your tie.
Step 6: Let the hot glue heat
Insert the stick of glue into the glue gun and let it heat for about 5 mins until ready to use.
Step 7: Glue stripes on tie and cut away excess glue
Carefully glue the stripes onto the tie (remember to cover your surface incase you spill some hot glue, I just used a bit of kitchen roll). Once they are all glued on and your happy with it let it dry for a minute or two and then cut away the excess glue around the edges of the tie.
Step 8: Decide where you want it on the vest and protect inside.
Fold up a bit of kitchen roll or anything that could protect the inside of the vest and place it inside it making sure to be behindthe area you will be gluing the tie on. Position the tie where you want it and then move on to step 9.
Step 9: Glue the tie onto the vest
Start with the top edge place that on then glue an edge at a time. Be very careful not to use too much glue and keep checking the vest isn't gluing to the protector on the inside (mine never did so it should be fine).
Step 10: Press down the tie, glue any bits that aren't stuck down properly
After you do this leave to dry for a minute checking that it is securely down then remove protector from the inside.
Step 11: The 'cloak'
Mine ended up looking like more of a cape but it did the job. Take the black fabric and place the vest on top of it (sparkly side out) position it the way you want it and glue top corners onto the vest making sure not to bend vest fabric or the fit on your baby wont be good and potentially uncomfortable.
Alternatively wait till the vest is on your baby and you could safety pin the cape/cloak over it but I think this is the comfier and more practical way to do it.
Step 12: Pair the costume with a pair of black trousers or jeans and add finishing touches.

I chose to pair the costume with some confy black jeggings for Ella-Grace. You could also add harry potter glasses, a baby safe wand, the scar (with baby safe face paint) or a toy owl. None of which I had last minute unfortunately but if you had more time you could really make this costume the best at any Harry Potter party.
Cuteness Overload...

Happy costume making....
I hope you enjoyed this DIY. Its hardly a master piece but a fun little project for you to do for your baby and if you manage to add those little extra's it could look perfect. If you do decide to try this DIY or have done a different DIY costume for your baby please comment a picture below. Thabks as always for reading. This is my second blog post in two days so might take a bit of a break before the next but until then check out my articles on Babygaga.com and follow my social media (link on blog homepage/menu) I'M ON TWITTER NOW! Till next time readers.
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Stay Happy Everyone :)!
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