Busy turning 21...
Sorry I haven't posted in over a week now, I was getting good at posting regularly but this past week has been crazy and very busy. Reece was off work for a week and oh yeah it was my 21ST BIRTHDAY!! So this blog post is just a little insight into my feelings on turning 21 and what I did to celebrate (pictures included too!) Enjoy!
Best Birthday Ever...
So my 21st birthday came round so quick and to be honest I wasn't even thinking about it at all on the run up to it as I was so busy looking after Ella-Grace and focusing on her. Everyone said this would happen when I became a mum, I never believed them haha. Anyway I was just expecting to go see my family for the day and then go home nothing massive but they had other plans.
The morning of my birthday Reece and Ella-Grace surprised me with cards, gifts and two massive number balloons (21). Reece had bought me some things I had pointed out over the past few months that I really wanted (Zoella products mainly) and I got a massive surprise when two train tickets fell out of my birthday card and he revealed that we were going to Newcastle for four days- some people might not think that's anything extravagant but for our first little family trip to a city we had never been to, it was perfect. More about the trip later (and I'm planning to do a separate blog post on it).
So after the morning of my birthday with my two favourite people, Reece's dad drove us to my parents. But Reece said we needed to stop off somewhere to book a table for my mums birthday (which is at the end of august), I didn't think much of it apart from he said we had to take Ella-Grace in- even though she was sleeping and his dad was in the car- but I just thought he didn't want to leave her. Walking in it was dark and I said to Reece "it must be closed" which is when everyone yelled "SURPRISE!!" never been more shocked in my life haha my sneaky parents and fiance had planned a surprise party. The whole night was great and Ella-Grace did so well considering she had never been to a party with lots of people or out that late, how she managed to sleep through all the noise I will never know. Pics below of how the night went.

The next day Reece, Ella-Grace and I went home leaving just a few hours to pack as we were going to Newcastle the next morning. Packed and ready to go we left at 7am on Monday and from there we had an amazing time. The best bits by far being taking Ella-Grace swimming (she is such a water baby, lasted a full 2 hours before basically passing out as I took her swimming costume off haha) and going to the Metro center- I think it the 2nd biggest shopping center in the UK- it made Union Square in Aberdeen feel so tiny. Didn't get a chance to do all the things we set out to do but that just gives us a reason to go pack. Pics here.

Feelings on being 21...
21. The milestone age that everyone talks about and that the celebrations are the biggest. In my 21 years of life I have had major highs and lows as most people do. I have battled with anxiety and panic attacks in some very dark times and it has been hard but above all that I have met the love of my life who I am soon to marry, we have had the most beautiful and wonderful daughter, I am so proud to be her mum. I now have the best group of friends and an amazing family. I have passed 3 college courses and soon to start my degree from home. I now do something I love, writing from home and get paid for it. My blog is getting noticed and my other writing content is being featured on websites. I am more confident, happy and feel like I am making a difference in the world which is what I have always wanted to do. I may have had hard times and still do but in 21 years I am so grateful for all I have, not everyone in the world makes it to 21 or if they do aren't in the best place and I am lucky enough to be happy. 21 years old and looking forward to the future. I will be writing a blog post soon called "10 things I want to achieve before I turn 30" so that will give you more of insight into that. Stay tuned.

See you soon....
Just a short birthday update for those who are interested to know, I have a lot of different content I am hoping to share soon including DIY and recipes, let me know if you would like to read that or what else you would like me to write about. Until my next blog post don't forget to check out my articles on BabyGaGa.com (latest linked below) and follow my social media pages for updates on me, my family and my blog (links on homepage/menu of blog). I am on twitter now so make sure to follow me on there too. Thanks to everyone (especially my parents and Reece) for making my 21st so special! Comment below how you spent your 21st. Till next time readers.
15 Ways Women Have Described Contractions
Stay Happy Everyone :)!

The next day Reece, Ella-Grace and I went home leaving just a few hours to pack as we were going to Newcastle the next morning. Packed and ready to go we left at 7am on Monday and from there we had an amazing time. The best bits by far being taking Ella-Grace swimming (she is such a water baby, lasted a full 2 hours before basically passing out as I took her swimming costume off haha) and going to the Metro center- I think it the 2nd biggest shopping center in the UK- it made Union Square in Aberdeen feel so tiny. Didn't get a chance to do all the things we set out to do but that just gives us a reason to go pack. Pics here.

Feelings on being 21...
21. The milestone age that everyone talks about and that the celebrations are the biggest. In my 21 years of life I have had major highs and lows as most people do. I have battled with anxiety and panic attacks in some very dark times and it has been hard but above all that I have met the love of my life who I am soon to marry, we have had the most beautiful and wonderful daughter, I am so proud to be her mum. I now have the best group of friends and an amazing family. I have passed 3 college courses and soon to start my degree from home. I now do something I love, writing from home and get paid for it. My blog is getting noticed and my other writing content is being featured on websites. I am more confident, happy and feel like I am making a difference in the world which is what I have always wanted to do. I may have had hard times and still do but in 21 years I am so grateful for all I have, not everyone in the world makes it to 21 or if they do aren't in the best place and I am lucky enough to be happy. 21 years old and looking forward to the future. I will be writing a blog post soon called "10 things I want to achieve before I turn 30" so that will give you more of insight into that. Stay tuned.

See you soon....
Just a short birthday update for those who are interested to know, I have a lot of different content I am hoping to share soon including DIY and recipes, let me know if you would like to read that or what else you would like me to write about. Until my next blog post don't forget to check out my articles on BabyGaGa.com (latest linked below) and follow my social media pages for updates on me, my family and my blog (links on homepage/menu of blog). I am on twitter now so make sure to follow me on there too. Thanks to everyone (especially my parents and Reece) for making my 21st so special! Comment below how you spent your 21st. Till next time readers.
15 Ways Women Have Described Contractions
Stay Happy Everyone :)!
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