Where have the months gone....
Honestly I feel like 2018 is going in a flash! Hey there readers I hope you are all doing well today! I said at the start of the year that I was going to do one of these achievement blog posts every month... the last one I did was January... I really need to catch up!! So here is months February to April and what my goals are for May and June also. I think I have achieved/organised quite a lot, helping others and facing fears a long the way. Which is what I really want this year to be about really, new experiences, helping others and setting a good example for Ella-Grace. Let me know in the comments what you have achieved these past few months or what you want to achieve later on this year. Happy Reading!!
Did I meet the goals I set for February?
(In case you did not read my February goals that I set myself back in January they were as follows:- Finish planning Ella-Grace's party
- Give blood
- Plan more of the wedding
- Donate food again
- Create a writing schedule
- Go to trampoline park for the first time
- Book Swimming Lessons For Ella-Grace )
I am happy to say I met all of those except 3.
Finish planning Ella-Grace's party: ACHIEVED
Of course I wasn't going to miss this goal because of course it was my main goal for February! Yes some of the party planning went into the start of March and there was some of the party jobs that could not be done till nearer the party (Food, balloons ect) but the majority of the planning I finished in February and as you all already know Ella-Grace has an amazing party when it finally came around in March- I couldn't of asked for a better 1st birthday party for our little babe.
Giving Blood: NOT ACHIEVED
This was one of my main goals for this year for many reasons. I said at New Year that I really wanted to help people/ do more good things this year because last year I was very focused on being a new mum (naturally) but this year I wanted to start setting a good example for Ella-Grace when it comes to helping others and doing good in the world. I also wanted to give blood because when I was in labor with Ella-Grace there was a possibility that I would of needed a blood transfusion, I wanted to give my blood so if anyone else was in this situation I could help (my blood is O negative and that can be used for any blood type and also is rare!). So as scared as I was to face my fear of needles and give blood I was determined to do this at the end of February and the only reason I did not was because unfortunately Reece was working and my parents ended up not being able to watch Ella-Grace last minute so I had to change my appointment. I did however reschedule it to March which I will go on to talk about in a minute.
Plan more wedding: ACHIEVED
This is going to be a goal every month until the wedding so sorry if you get bored of seeing this one over and over again but there is A LOT of planning and organisation when it comes to weddings. Not much more to say about this one other than some more planning was done meaning I achieved this goal. I don't want to say too much because I am planning on writing a blog post on my wedding and the planning of it after the wedding is over, so look out for that in July!
Donate food again: ACHIEVED
Again not too much to say in this one as this is one I am happy to say has become quite regular for me. Whenever I go and do my food shopping I pick up whatever I can afford (that fits the guidelines) and donate it. It is such a good idea to have a food donation box in the middle of a supermarket I think it encourages people to donate and makes it easy, you don't have to try to remember to go out of your way to do it you just do it there and then! So yes that is another goal ticked off the list and I am very happy Ella-Grace will grow up to see me doing this, it is so important to be taught to be kind and helpful.
Create a writing schedule: ACHIEVED
This I have achieved but obviously I have a toddler who runs my life haha she is definitely the boss so the writing schedule is not set in stone but when I can I try to stick to it. \I find I do a lot more work in the mornings when I have just woken up so Reece and I have made a system where he gets Ella-Grace up for breakfast, getting dressed etc and they have some Daddy daughter time for an hour or two and then when he has to get ready for work we swap. This leaving my evening free from work and Reece and I can spend some couple time together. But yes this can vary depending on what we are doing that day, what time Reece starts work etc but it is still in place. #
Go to Trampoline Park for the first time: NOT ACHIEVED
This I have not done yet unfortunately and for the simple reason being we have not found the time or money yet. I promised my niece and nephew we would take them to the trampoline park and we 100% will but we have just decided to leave it till after the wedding when our time frees up and we have more money. Also Reece will be off work for 2 weeks after the wedding so that works out perfectly.
Book swimming lessons for Ella-Grace: NOT ACHIEVED
I wouldn't say this wasn't achieved but we decided not to book swimming lessons and instead start taking her swimming regularly ourselves. Some babies get a lot of use out of swimming lessons but Reece and I have decided we are happy at the moment just taking her ourselves until she is a bit older. It is a great family day out for us and Ella-Grace loves it, our little water baby. More on this in the March section coming up next!
Finish planning Ella-Grace's party: ACHIEVED

Giving Blood: NOT ACHIEVED
This was one of my main goals for this year for many reasons. I said at New Year that I really wanted to help people/ do more good things this year because last year I was very focused on being a new mum (naturally) but this year I wanted to start setting a good example for Ella-Grace when it comes to helping others and doing good in the world. I also wanted to give blood because when I was in labor with Ella-Grace there was a possibility that I would of needed a blood transfusion, I wanted to give my blood so if anyone else was in this situation I could help (my blood is O negative and that can be used for any blood type and also is rare!). So as scared as I was to face my fear of needles and give blood I was determined to do this at the end of February and the only reason I did not was because unfortunately Reece was working and my parents ended up not being able to watch Ella-Grace last minute so I had to change my appointment. I did however reschedule it to March which I will go on to talk about in a minute.
Plan more wedding: ACHIEVED
This is going to be a goal every month until the wedding so sorry if you get bored of seeing this one over and over again but there is A LOT of planning and organisation when it comes to weddings. Not much more to say about this one other than some more planning was done meaning I achieved this goal. I don't want to say too much because I am planning on writing a blog post on my wedding and the planning of it after the wedding is over, so look out for that in July!
Donate food again: ACHIEVED
Again not too much to say in this one as this is one I am happy to say has become quite regular for me. Whenever I go and do my food shopping I pick up whatever I can afford (that fits the guidelines) and donate it. It is such a good idea to have a food donation box in the middle of a supermarket I think it encourages people to donate and makes it easy, you don't have to try to remember to go out of your way to do it you just do it there and then! So yes that is another goal ticked off the list and I am very happy Ella-Grace will grow up to see me doing this, it is so important to be taught to be kind and helpful.
Create a writing schedule: ACHIEVED
This I have achieved but obviously I have a toddler who runs my life haha she is definitely the boss so the writing schedule is not set in stone but when I can I try to stick to it. \I find I do a lot more work in the mornings when I have just woken up so Reece and I have made a system where he gets Ella-Grace up for breakfast, getting dressed etc and they have some Daddy daughter time for an hour or two and then when he has to get ready for work we swap. This leaving my evening free from work and Reece and I can spend some couple time together. But yes this can vary depending on what we are doing that day, what time Reece starts work etc but it is still in place. #
Go to Trampoline Park for the first time: NOT ACHIEVED
This I have not done yet unfortunately and for the simple reason being we have not found the time or money yet. I promised my niece and nephew we would take them to the trampoline park and we 100% will but we have just decided to leave it till after the wedding when our time frees up and we have more money. Also Reece will be off work for 2 weeks after the wedding so that works out perfectly.
Book swimming lessons for Ella-Grace: NOT ACHIEVED
I wouldn't say this wasn't achieved but we decided not to book swimming lessons and instead start taking her swimming regularly ourselves. Some babies get a lot of use out of swimming lessons but Reece and I have decided we are happy at the moment just taking her ourselves until she is a bit older. It is a great family day out for us and Ella-Grace loves it, our little water baby. More on this in the March section coming up next!
What did I achieve in March? ALOT
March ended up being a very productive month which is surprising considering Ella-Grace's birthday was that month but maybe that just made me more motivated I don't know but yeah very proud of what I managed to get done in March.
Gave blood
FINALLY! After rescheduling the appointment I met one of my biggest goals for this year and faced one of my biggest fears which was giving blood. Let me tell you I was so nervous and was so sure I was going to faint but surprisingly I did not faint and it only took 5 minutes for me to donate blood. I was very proud of myself and even made an appointment to go back in July and donate blood again. I in no way enjoyed the experience and I still hate needles but I am so very glad I have done it. One of the stats that really stuck out to me was that ' 3 teaspoons of blood can save a premature baby's life' now if that isn't a reason to donate blood I don't know what is.
Started taking Ella-Grace swimming regularly
Like I said I did not book Ella-Grace swimming lessons but Reece and I have been taking her swimming and we have gone with a few friends as well which is really nice. I am not a big fan of swimming personally (probably because I am not very good at it) but I want Ella-Grace to be confident in the water and I know she loves it so of course I want to take her on a regular basis. We have even found a pool that we like to go to regularly which is not too far from where we live so it is going really well. I am not saying we take her every single week but regularly enough for her to build up her confidence.
Like I said I did not book Ella-Grace swimming lessons but Reece and I have been taking her swimming and we have gone with a few friends as well which is really nice. I am not a big fan of swimming personally (probably because I am not very good at it) but I want Ella-Grace to be confident in the water and I know she loves it so of course I want to take her on a regular basis. We have even found a pool that we like to go to regularly which is not too far from where we live so it is going really well. I am not saying we take her every single week but regularly enough for her to build up her confidence.
Done more wedding planning
Sorry I know it's back again but as I said this is going to be a goal for every month. So yes more wedding planning was done. I actually had my hair and make up trial for the wedding and all the bridesmaids tried on their dresses, it is getting very close now!
Sorry I know it's back again but as I said this is going to be a goal for every month. So yes more wedding planning was done. I actually had my hair and make up trial for the wedding and all the bridesmaids tried on their dresses, it is getting very close now!
Ella-Grace's party was a success
You already know about this so I am just going to add some more pictures here because they say it all. Ella-Grace's First Birthday Party was a success!!!(If you would like to read more I wrote a post all about her birthday here : Ella-Grace turns 1 )
You already know about this so I am just going to add some more pictures here because they say it all. Ella-Grace's First Birthday Party was a success!!!(If you would like to read more I wrote a post all about her birthday here : Ella-Grace turns 1 )
Gone full vegan and started doing more for the environment
YES! I did it! After a year of progressing from non-vegan to vegan I finally did it. For a long time I had been majority vegan but if I ever went out I would maybe dip into some dairy or go to my parents and have eggs for breakfast but not anymore. I know where to go to get vegan options, I have scrambled tofu to satisfy my egg craving and I can not 100% say that my diet is 100% plant based. I am so proud and would recommend choosing vegan to everyone. For your health, for the animals and for the environment.
Speaking of the environment, as a family we have all been doing more for the environment. Excuse the capital letters but I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO LOOK AFTER OUR ENVIRONMENT!! Obviously being vegan helps a MASSIVE amount as well as this we obviously recycle everything we can, try to buy the loose fruit and veg in supermarkets to reduce the plastic packaging we are buying, walk as much as possible instead of using transport, we no longer use plastic straws, pick up litter that we see just thrown on the ground and get rid of it properly. We as a family have become very environmentally conscious and that is one thing I will push because I think everyone should care about the planet. There is no planet B, as I like to say.
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Bonobo Vegan Cafe. YUM! |
YES! I did it! After a year of progressing from non-vegan to vegan I finally did it. For a long time I had been majority vegan but if I ever went out I would maybe dip into some dairy or go to my parents and have eggs for breakfast but not anymore. I know where to go to get vegan options, I have scrambled tofu to satisfy my egg craving and I can not 100% say that my diet is 100% plant based. I am so proud and would recommend choosing vegan to everyone. For your health, for the animals and for the environment.
Speaking of the environment, as a family we have all been doing more for the environment. Excuse the capital letters but I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO LOOK AFTER OUR ENVIRONMENT!! Obviously being vegan helps a MASSIVE amount as well as this we obviously recycle everything we can, try to buy the loose fruit and veg in supermarkets to reduce the plastic packaging we are buying, walk as much as possible instead of using transport, we no longer use plastic straws, pick up litter that we see just thrown on the ground and get rid of it properly. We as a family have become very environmentally conscious and that is one thing I will push because I think everyone should care about the planet. There is no planet B, as I like to say.
Donated Clothing
I have lost a lot of weight since having Ella-Grace which I am very proud of and also I have turned my wardrobe into the wedding cupboard so I have had to get rid of a lot of clothes. Which was fine by me because donating clothes was the next goal on my list. I am such a hoarder so I get piles of clothes that either didn't fit me or I didn't even like.So finally after years of building on a pile of clothes that were never to be worn I donated them and hopefully someone else will get use out of them.
I have lost a lot of weight since having Ella-Grace which I am very proud of and also I have turned my wardrobe into the wedding cupboard so I have had to get rid of a lot of clothes. Which was fine by me because donating clothes was the next goal on my list. I am such a hoarder so I get piles of clothes that either didn't fit me or I didn't even like.So finally after years of building on a pile of clothes that were never to be worn I donated them and hopefully someone else will get use out of them.
Decided to donate wedding dress
This is one some may think is crazy but I think is a lovely idea. I am going to be donating my wedding dress and I think some of the bridesmaids are donating their dresses also. After looking around online I found a charity called 'Heavenly Gowns UK', they create clothes for angel babies from donated wedding dresses. Need I say more. Yes it is a lovely idea to keep my own wedding dress but why when it could be helping someone deal with the loss of their child. Something as simple as a nice outfit for their angel baby could really make a difference. I will be keeping my veil in case Ella-Grace may want it some day but as for my dress I think donating it is an amazing thing to do.
What did I achieve in April?
Donated food and clothes again
Like I said donating food has become a regular thing for me to do and as for clothes I went through them a second time and found more clothes I did not want or need so I donated them too.
Like I said donating food has become a regular thing for me to do and as for clothes I went through them a second time and found more clothes I did not want or need so I donated them too.
More Wedding planning
Standard haha. A big chunk of my life at the moment is wedding planning.
Standard haha. A big chunk of my life at the moment is wedding planning.
Took Ella-Grace to a new group. (Dance class)
This I was very excited about! I had been wanting to take Ella-Grace to this dance class for AGES. I had always not had the time because her baby group started pretty much when the dance class finished and I would not of been able to make it to both but now she is older we have moved onto a toddler group on a Tuesday (which she loves) and now that has free'd up my Thursday to take her to dance class. YAY! And she loves it! My favourite group I take her too as it is so different from the rest and I love how it is actually teaching them the basics of dancing very young in full ways and hese classes can turn into proper dance classes as they get older. Highly recommend for anyone who is in the Aberdeen Area
(Monster Bunch- Citymoves Dance Studio- 11am-12pm-Thursday-£4 per class- 0-18 months)
Gave food to a homeless person
This I have done twice now and it is something I always want to do but can never find the money to spare unfortunately. It is always going on the wedding or Ella-Grace, there is no wiggle room sometimes. But this month twice I managed to give food and the other time a hot drink to someone in need of it. Some people live with the attitude 'It's their own fault their homeless' or 'How do you know they are really homeless?' and to that I say 1. I don't care how they got onto the street with no home, what I care about is that if I were in that situation I would want someone to help me and 2. I would much rather give someone on the street a little bit of food or some money to then find out they aren't homeless than not give someone food or money on the street in case they are faking and then them end up being genuinely homeless and in need of help. There is enough bad in this world and if I can show some good to my little girl and help someone out with just a little gesture then why wouldn't I.
Walked ALOT
With the weather in Aberdeen being so nice at the moment instead of using public transport to get to places I have just been walking everywhere. Town is about an hour and 15 minute walk away and I have done that several times now. Once you get into the rhythm of it it honestly does not feel that long and Ella-Grace loves it.
This I was very excited about! I had been wanting to take Ella-Grace to this dance class for AGES. I had always not had the time because her baby group started pretty much when the dance class finished and I would not of been able to make it to both but now she is older we have moved onto a toddler group on a Tuesday (which she loves) and now that has free'd up my Thursday to take her to dance class. YAY! And she loves it! My favourite group I take her too as it is so different from the rest and I love how it is actually teaching them the basics of dancing very young in full ways and hese classes can turn into proper dance classes as they get older. Highly recommend for anyone who is in the Aberdeen Area
(Monster Bunch- Citymoves Dance Studio- 11am-12pm-Thursday-£4 per class- 0-18 months)
Gave food to a homeless person
This I have done twice now and it is something I always want to do but can never find the money to spare unfortunately. It is always going on the wedding or Ella-Grace, there is no wiggle room sometimes. But this month twice I managed to give food and the other time a hot drink to someone in need of it. Some people live with the attitude 'It's their own fault their homeless' or 'How do you know they are really homeless?' and to that I say 1. I don't care how they got onto the street with no home, what I care about is that if I were in that situation I would want someone to help me and 2. I would much rather give someone on the street a little bit of food or some money to then find out they aren't homeless than not give someone food or money on the street in case they are faking and then them end up being genuinely homeless and in need of help. There is enough bad in this world and if I can show some good to my little girl and help someone out with just a little gesture then why wouldn't I.
Walked ALOT
With the weather in Aberdeen being so nice at the moment instead of using public transport to get to places I have just been walking everywhere. Town is about an hour and 15 minute walk away and I have done that several times now. Once you get into the rhythm of it it honestly does not feel that long and Ella-Grace loves it.
Goals for May and June
-More Wedding Plan-Continue donating food
-Start writing my first children's book
- Continue with my walking
-Get Married
- Take Ella-Grace outside more
Thanks for reading...
As usual thank you so much for reading! I really hope this post doesn't come off as showy. I am writing it as more of a personal log of things I have done so I can look back and be proud of what I have achieved and things I have done. I also would hope that it would encourage others to do some more good things and remember to look back and be proud of what you have achieved too.
A lot of the time I feel like I haven't done enough. I didn't play with Ella-Grace enough, I didn't take her out enough, I don't cook enough healthy meals, I don't write enough, I put myself down and always think I haven't done enough or haven't done what I should do but looking back on this I can say oh wait I have done a lot and I should be happy.
Please don't forget to follow my social media, links can be found at the side >>>
( Facebook- LauraJane Life , Instagram - @laurajanelifex ) I have started doing little chatty videos on my instagram stories so if that is something you are interested in definitely check it out! Until next time.....
Stay Happy Everyone :)!
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