Hello again...
Hi Readers! So the last two posts have been related to food and after this I wasn't sure what to write about so I put up a poll on my social media accounts (thanks to everyone who voted!). Pizza Recipes or Ella-Grace being ill was the two options and Ella-Grace being ill was the winner. As some of you may know Ella-Grace in the past two weeks was quite unwell- she seems all better now thank goodness- it started as a little cold then she had a high temperature, sore throat, ear infection. It was not a good time. We were out of routine, neither of us getting any sleep, both of crying. Not fun. But we got through it! I know there are many parents, mainly mothers who read my blog and as you know if you read it regularly I am very honest about my experiences in motherhood. I hope to help others and let them know they are not alone in this journey, and our babies do get ill, no its not your fault and you are doing the best you can! So lets get into it.
Poorly Baby...
I have just mentioned it but yes, Ella-Grace was very ill. It was so sad to see her not laughing or playing just upset and very sleepy. Don't get me wrong this was only a minor illness there are so many babies and children suffering from serious illnesses, my hat goes off to those parents who have to deal with that, it must be so difficult. But this blog post was just to explain how I've handled the stress of having a poorly baby, because no matter how minor it is, a sick baby can be very stressful.
I knew she was getting ill when she started having a runny nose, I just knew it! Then for sure, it went down hill from there and all the other symptoms appeared. Ella-Grace is in quite a set routine which keeps us both happy, with my anxiety I am a bit of a routine freak, its makes me feel like I know what I am doing haha. But with Ella-Grace being ill the routine was out the window, my anxiety was high and I spent 99% of my time sitting in bed with Ella-Grace watching movies. Not going to lie, I would count the minutes until Reece came home as it was quite overwhelming at some points and I cannot tell you how much I needed to shower!! With all this said I am going to give my fellow parents some tips from my experience on how to stay sane while your baby is under the weather, as they say.
How to get through it..
1. Walk Away and Breathe
This was probably my hardest week as a mum so far, I have been lucky enough that Ella-Grace has been quite a chilled out baby but the two weeks of her being ill she was far from that. I was so not used to the amount of crying, at some points I actually had to put her down in her crib and just walk away to gain some sense of calm. And THATS OKAY! You are not a bad parent if you have to walk away for a second, it is so hard to listen to your baby cry and it can be so overwhelming but you are there trying your very best, 5 minutes to breath is not a bad thing. It helps you clear your head.
2.Let baby lead even if that means you lose the routine
I am always trying new foods, new activities, lots of new things with Ella-Grace. Keeping her in her routine of breakfast, lunch, supper with 3 bottles in between. We go to baby groups, she has her naps and I get my work done. This keeps my anxiety at bay and makes both of us as I said, content and happy! But when she was ill most of this went out the window! Her blocked nose made it hard for her to eat, we skipped our baby groups, napping in her own bed was out the window.. and I let this happen. Yes I tried to put her down now and again or tried to get her to eat a meal at the right time, trying to keep in routine wasn't a bad thing but when she showed discomfort or fussiness I just abandoned it. Most of the time ending with both of us cuddled in bed. This may not be ideal but whatever makes your baby happy and makes sure they are getting enough rest, that is worth it! And gives you peace as well. Don't worry about the housework or any other work you need to do (I literally got no articles written and just managed a very small blog post) just focus on you and your baby!
3. Bring in help and give yourself a break
Ella-Grace is usually a dream at nap times meaning I could get a shower, do some housework, get some writing done. But when she was ill she reverted back to how she was as a newborn. Always wanting to be held and cuddled. So don't be scared to ask for some help so you can get that shower, get some work done or even have 5 minutes to yourself. I went on a night out. Yes, I said it my daughter was ill and I went out with a friend. I had been dealing with a very poorly Ella-Grace for a week, one of those nights alone because Reece had a night out and that night was very difficult- she refused to sleep anywhere but her pram while Moana was on the TV. So after a week my fellow mum was free and we went out while Reece watched Ella-Grace for the night. So many mothers feel bad about this, WHY? Yes your a mum and your soul purpose is to look after them but to do that you need to look after yourself and this includes having time away from your baby to breath, be you and come back refreshed and ready! Ella-Grace was perfectly safe at home being looked after by her Daddy and I got that much needed break and do you know what, my anxiety went down and I handled the next week of her being ill a lot better.
So no matter if you want a night out, a shower, to do some work or even just an hour's nap do not be afraid to ask for some help. I'm lucky I have Reece who comes home every night but I know there are many people who are single parents, reach out to whoever you can and that you trust. Look after you!
4. The weird things sometimes work
Sleeping the night in the pram, sleeping in the baby carrier, baked beans and only baked beans! As long as they are resting, fed and happy when they can be, that is what matters. Try everything and when something works stick with it! Even if others think it's weird, Ella-Grace for 3 nights in a row when she was ill would only sleep in her pram (think it was something to do with the angle it was at) and one parent I told said that was so strange and that I should not be doing that. To that parent I say, sleeping in her pram those three nights she got three full nights sleep which aided her in getting better and let me and Reece get the sleep we needed to be able to look after our poorly daughter to the best of our ability. As long as they are safe, if it works do it!
5. Doctor and Pharmacy
Obviously the best people to ask if your baby is ill is the doctor and the pharmacy. Ella-Grace did not receive any medicine from the doctor but she did give me some handy tips on what could help and over the counter medication that could help. Below is some of the things that were recommended for us to help with Ella-Graces cold and sore ear that we found really worked
Put in in a bowl of hot water in the room they are in, rub it on their chest or put a bit in their bath all of these things really helped Ella-Grace!
- Prop the bed up
Put some books or a small pillow underneath the mattress of their cot where the baby's head will be so it props them up, this should help them breath better while they have a cold and therefore help baby sleep more.
- Nasal spray to clear nose
This one can be hard as many babies, including Ella-Grace, hate this but a nasal spray can really help clear there airways. Sterimar nasal spray
Use as directed by doctor or pharmacist.
6. Try and Treasure the extra cuddles
I spent a lot of the time in the last two weeks wanting Ella-Grace to go down in her own bed so I could get things done but as I said she would only sleep on me or right next to me in bed. And these times I really tried to treasure, now she is back to her normal self she is back to being super independent and not wanting a cuddle which I obviously prefer because she is healthy and happy but I would like a little cuddle while cosy in my bed again. So treasure these moments even if they are not ideal. They are only small once.
Thanks for reading...
Feel like all my posts at the moment are almost like lists, I hope you are all still enjoying them! My next blog post however will definitely not be in list format and I am very much looking forward to writing it and showing it to all of you. I hope this little blog post gave you some helpful advice on how to deal with your poorly baby and has made you feel like your not alone when you are finding it difficult. Till next time don't forget to follow my social media (links on homepage).
Stay Happy Everyone :)
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