Thursday, 31 August 2017

I am a good mum and I'm not afraid to say it!

This needs to be said... 

Good evening readers! I hope you are all doing well and thank you for coming back for another blog post. To those who are new here, Welcome!! 
I am writing this little post not only as a boost for myself but also as a boost for my fellow mums (and dads), reminding you all of what a good job your doing! So lets get right into it!

Why I am writing this...

When I found out I was pregnant right up to when Ella-Grace was born I had this image in my head of what kind of mum I was going to be, I wanted to be perfect (obviously there is no such thing but that is what I had in my head when I was imagining mum life). Then Ella-Grace arrived and it was amazing but I also came to find the reality of being a new mum wasn't the glamorous picture that your are shown on TV or that I had in my head. Still I adored being a mum, even in the hard times and as every parent, I was doing the best I could. But being a good mum in the 21st century is impossible with trying your best meaning nothing when it comes to social media trolls, closed minded people and articles attacking certain types of parenting. Everyone has an opinion and what they think is advice, leaving you feeling drained and almost forgetting that your child is your child, it's up to you how they are brought up. 
Guilt, shame, embarrassment, isolation and worthlessness. All these feelings can be thrust upon you, your always wondering if your doing things right. This past week I have really noticed that being a mum comes with so much scrutiny. 

You are given unwanted 'advice' and ignorant judgement from every corner.
Breastfeed your baby, don't breastfeed in public. Formula is abuse, don't give that to your child. Never co-sleep. Don't hold your baby too much. Don't feed your baby jarred food, you must make homemade. If you go out with your friends your a bad mom. Don't buy your child anything they want they will get spoiled but if they have a tantrum you must stop them straight away cause it is affecting other people. Don;t give them sweets. Don't hold them this way. You must wake your baby for feeds. Don't wake your baby for feeds. DON'T, DON'T, DON'T. DO, DO, DO! The list is endless and no matter what you do someone will be judging you. It can really get you down and I know it has for me, I am usually a super nice person (I like to think) but if anyone attacks my abilities as a mum I get very defensive and upset cause I know how much I love my baby girl and try my best to be the best mum I can be. 

Now constantly second guessing yourself because of all the scrutiny you recieve, you have now branded yourself as bad mum. But that's NOT true! 

I am a good mum...

I am a good mum. Saying this is almost viewed as taboo, you are at risk of looking like a know it all mum or vain. But this is insane! I AM A GOOD MUM! Why should I be ashamed to say it?
I have so many days that maybe someone has grilled me about parenting or I have read an article that made me feel bad. I've sat and cried thinking I am doing an injustice to my child and I need to do better but when I finally sit back to think this is what I feel.

Ella-Grace is my whole world. I feed her, I clothe her, I keep her warm, clean and happy. I play with her, try to teach her things, praise her, encourage her development. Above all I love and adore the bones of her. I am with her day in and day out. She has grown and developed from a tiny newborn to a healthy 5 month old baby and that is thanks to me. I am a good mum!!! 

There are children in the world who's parents have left them or abused them and here you are losing sleep on whether that scratch on their face could of been prevented by you- which I assure you probably couldn't. Please mums and dads of the world don't over think other peoples comments especially on social media and in click-bait articles. Look at the big picture, you are here loving and keeping this little human alive and that little human in turn adores you. I can guarantee they aren't worrying about what Auntie Karen said about how breastfeeding in public is disgusting, they just want fed. I AM A GOOD MUM and guess what so are you. 

Dads, I'm not forgetting about you...

I am all about equal rights, some may even say too much and run away from me when I call myself a feminist (but thats a topic for another day). So I personally hate when being a dad is brushed over like it's not a vital role because it most certainly is! Yes I have titled this blog post 'I am a good mum' but that is simply because I am a mum and this post was inspired by a lot of mums I know and that is the perspective I am writing from but Dads, if you are reading this you are all doing an amazing job as well. I know first hand through Reece (Ella-Grace's dad) how much a dad can love their child and do anything and everything for their child equally to a mother, Reece is an outstanding father and I know many of the dads reading this are too and I would just like to take a minute before I end this blog post to recognize that Dads, no matter what shape or size you are great!

I hope this gave you a boost...

I hope after reading this you have a little bit of a boost and are reminded what a good job your doing as a parent! Comment below what makes you a good mum or dad? Do you have a positive message for other parents? Tag someone you think needs a boost! Thank you for reading until next time please check out some of my articles on (Latest linked below). And don't forget to follow me on my social media profiles for daily insights into 'LauraJane Life' - links on homepage and in menu.

15 Whisper Confessions By Moms Who Couldn't Breastfeed

Stay Happy Everyone :)!

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Bath time: Mama's Favourites and Baby's Essentials

I Love Baths... 

Having a bath has always been my way to relax. Before having Ella-Grace, while I was pregnant and especially now being a mum (when 'me time' is rare). That small time after having the c-section where I wasn't aloud to have a bath was a very difficult time for me so when I was aloud to have one again it really helped me chill out and be the best mum I could be. When Reece comes home from work I cook supper and once Ella-Grace is down for the night that will be the time I get to have time to myself so I have a bath. Ella-Grace like her mum loves a bath, she always has since we first bathed her at a few days old- getting dry is a different story but in while she is in the bath she loves it.

Today my lovely readers, I will be telling you how our bath time goes. What I need for Ella-Graces bath routine and some of Mama's favorites that lets me enjoy my bath time to the fullest. I will link everything in this list at the end in case any of you want to get any of these things. Happy reading!

Baby's Essentials...

I thought I would start with Ella-Graces bath time essentials. But before I get into what I use for her I better tell you what her actual routine is for those who are interested in how we do it. We bath Ella-Grace twice a week, no specific day just when we can. Now it is always Reece that baths her after he finishes work because 1. It is a great daddy, daughter time for them since he is often at work all day and 2. It allows me to cook our supper, which is also something I find relaxing and enjoyable.
So yes Ella-Grace always gets bathed in the evening, we have a baby bath for her that we place in our bath (although she is growing out of that now). We wash her, play with her then take her out dry her, put her creams on and in her PJ's, Always waiting till after she has had her supper (usually a sort of vegetable puree followed by a fruit pot) cause she usually gets very messy- just so you know as well I will be doing a blog post on starting Ella-Grace on baby food, how I make it myself etc. but anyway back on today's topic, baby bath essentials.

Johnson's Baby Bubble Bath/Wash and Shampoo 

Going to be completely honest here, we have never used anything other than this combination. So if you are looking for someone who has used multiple different baby baths to find the best one then sorry I can't help you there. But I have thought about switching before (I've heard great things about Dove baby) but Ella-Grace has quite sensitive skin, suffering from excema and the Johnson's products seem to help her skin and not make it irritated so we have stuck to it. 
It can make a lot of bubbles with just the smallest amount which is good for Ella-Grace as she loves to play and grab the bubbles.  

You can purchase this in pretty much any supermarket or boots in the UK (not sure about other countries) as it is a very popular brand for babies. Most mums watching this have probably tried this one before. Not expensive and does the job, a straight to the point product.


Sorry if the capital letters look aggressive, I just think that is of vital importance. Making sure the bath is not too hot nor to cold for Ella-Grace and any other baby is essential. You want it to be just the right temperature for their sensitive little bodies. The thermometer I have is very simple. It is shaped as a fish and you just put it in the bath when it is full. It will float there and you can keep checking it to see when it is at the right temperature, the temperature is marked by a tiny baby silhouette. When the line is on the silhouette I know its ready to put Ella-Grace in. Definitely on the top of the essential list. 


Very basic, nothing special. We use a standard baby sponge from Boots to wash Ella-Grace with. Again it does the job and different versions are available pretty much everywhere. 

Bath Toys

The Classic Rubber Ducks 

Ella-Grace is still quite little (5 months old) but she does not enjoy at least looking at her bath toys in the bath. Her main bath toy being the classic rubber duck. I think these were given to us as a gift, 4 different coloured rubber ducks. You can purchase these again a lot of baby places. 
Ella-Grace loves to hold them and look at them float. Sometimes we sit one on her tummy when she's lying in the bath and she just smiles and laughs, its so cute. 

Bath Boats

Another toy she loves in the bath are her boats that Reece picked out for her when I was pregnant. We thought they were different to the standard bath toys and where she hasn't really got the hang of playing with them yet, like the rubber ducks she enjoys to look at her boats while she is getting all cleaned up. 
They came in a pack of three: one blue, one red and one orange. We purchased them I think from Asda (we have bought so much stuff I'm loosing track of where everything is from, my head is a blur of baby products haha). 

After Bath...

Hooded Towel 

A towel is an obvious must have but a hooded towel (as well as adding cuteness) is handy and keeps baby warm when they come out the bath. Also making it easier for me to dry her head, which Ella-Grace usually hates but with a hooded towel its over before she can even think to cry about it. We purchased our cute little hooded towel from Boots.


Ella Grace has quite sensitive skin. It used to be really bad and she was suffering from excema. So after every bath we lather her up with these two creams to keep her skin from getting sore again. These two really work a charm, 

Aveeno Baby Moisturiser 

This cream was actually perscribed to Ella-Grace by the doctor when I took her because of her bad excema. Im pretty sure however you can buy this in places like Boots, Superdrug, Supermarkets or your local pharmacy (again I am from the UK so I can only speak from here). This cream has worked wonders on her skin since we started using it, her skin is clear and soft. All babies are different but you never know this might work. 

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil. Everyone knows this can work wonders for a lot of things so no wonder it is amazing to have on your skin. This is what we were using before we started with the Aveeno cream and although it didn't fix her dry skin, it definitely soothed it and made it softer. I think a combination of these two are amazing for after Ella-Grace's bath and I know she loves being all moisturised after. We bought our coconut oil from Tesco but you can pretty much get it from anywhere.

Mama's Favourites... 

Like I said at the start I adore baths. They make me so relaxed and since that this is my me time yeah I go all out, bath bombs and all! Some might say that is selfish but I work my butt off being a mum and working from home so if I want to refresh in order to do the best I can at those two things then I am going to do just that. I know my fellow mums will get me haha! 

Of all the different bath products I have tried these are definitely my favourites! 

Bath Bomb

Lush Rocket Science Bath Bomb

OMG! This bath bomb is my favourite of all time! (I know that's quite a statement) This bath bomb has everything I could possibly ask for and I  love it for these 3 reasons 1. It's shaped like a rocket which is just cute haha 2. It fizzes out the most amazing colours leaving your bath a mixure of electric blue and pink swirls which, I don't know those colours I just find magical and relaxing. 3. It makes your skin so soft after its unreal. 
Obviously everyone is different and it might not be your thing or work the same on your skin but it works wonders for me. 

Bubble Bar

SunnySide Bubble Bar

This was actually a birthday present from two of my bestfriends, I am so glad they introduced me to the world of bubble bars! I personally always go for a bath bomb, the fizz and colour always attracted me to them and being honest I didn't really know what a bubble bar was haha! The down side to bath bombs of course is you buy one and use it once then its gone. With a bubble bar you can crumble a little bit in and keep the rest for another time. I've used it 3 times now and still have plenty left!
This bubble bar is gold and glitter making my bath look fancy and me look slightly sparkly haha and creates great bubbles. On top of that making my skin so soft! This making it now an essential for my bath time relaxation. This bubble bar was from LUSH. 

Bubble Bath

Zoella Scooper Dooper

I am a huge fan of Zoella (Zoe Sugg). From her youtube videos and blog to her products- which is why I am mentioning her on this list. SCOOPER DOOPER!! Sounds funny I know (part of what attracted me to the product tbh) but this product is so good I add it to pretty much every bath! I creates the most bubbles of all my bath products and you just scoop or pour how much you want in your bath and keep the rest for next time. It comes in the cutest little tub and is available online or in store (Superdrug, boots etc). One of my all time favourite bath time products. 

Tesco Bath Cream

Simple is sometimes the best and when I do my food shop at Tesco and go past the soap isle (or whatever that isle is called) I always pick up some of their bubble bath or creme. At around 75p I think is a bargian, lasts ages and is really good! Ive used a few different kinds, most recently the lavender bath creme and love them all. So if one week I realise I'm running out on bath products but pay day isnt till next week this is what I go for. 

Face Mask

Superdrug orange and lava exfoliating mask

Love this face mask for 3 reasons! 1. Smells amazing 2. Love the way it drys on your face 3.Face is so soft afterwards! If your like me you will hate when you buy a face mask and it looks one way on the pack and then you put in on your face and it like a gel and doesn't cover your face the same. I like the product to cover my face and dry into an actual 'mask'. No idea if that makes sense but basically it covers your face like mud, dries and washes off easy. Having a facemask during my bath always gives me a proper spa/relaxation feeling. This facemask I purchase from superdrug and last time I checked it was 3 for £1, bargain!!


I am obsessed with candles day to day (honestly my collection is so big) but during a bath having a candle lit again adds to the relaxation and these are my favourites!

Zoella- Seaside Stroll Candle 

Another Zoella product and maybe even my favourite candle of all time! Obviously depends on what kind of scent you like but I would recommend trying this one. It is so fresh and clean smelling, reminding you of the sea. I usually light it near my door so my visitors get a lovely smell as they walk in (you know instead of thee usual nappy smell or when I havent had time to do the dishes) but when I have a bath I often light it then as the smell just makes me feel so relaxed. Sounds weird but as I am a blogger, Zoella is one of my biggest inspirations and having a product of hers/using it gives me my daily dose of motivation. You can get these again online, at superdrug, boots ect. and I am pretty sure you can now buy Zoella candles in Topshop. Links will be at the end. 

After Bath

The relaxation doesnt end when the water is drained from the bath, if I have time to mositurise this is an adder bonus to my me time and makes me feel even more relaxed and fresh. Not to mention soft. 

E45 Cream
I got really bad dry patches on my skin after I had Ella-Grace. Something I had never experienced before as my skin was always pretty good even as a teenager. I went to see my doctor and they prescribed a steroid cream for a week and then continuous E45. Available pretty much everywhere, E45 makes my skin so soft and just like it was before having Ella-Grace. Again everyones skin is different but if you are suffering from dry skin it might work for you.

Nuage Tattoo Moisturiser

A new moisturiser I have started to use recently. My sister actually bought me it for my birthday. To those who don't know, I have quite a few tattoos one of which covers the top half of my arm. Soon I will be getting another on my forearm menaing my entire arm will almost be covered and of course you need to keep it moisturised to keep the tattoo looking its best. 
This moisturser has been working wonders and if my skin on my tattoo is getting dry I put some of this on and it sorts it out. I love my Tattoos this being why I apply it after every bath and making it one of  my favs. Not sure where my sister purchased this but I will look it up and link it at the end. 

I Love Chocolate Truffle Body Butter 

Who doesn't love to smell like chocolate? This body creme I use pretty much everywhere and it makes my skin so smooth as well as making me smell scrumptious! It came in a little box with chocolate body spray aswell for that added chocolateyness- I dont think that is a word but oh well haha. I think unfortunately they have stopped selling this kind (or atleast I can't find it on the website) but they have many different flavours such as strawberry & cream, coconut & cream, raspberry & blacberry etc. I'm sure they are worth a try, link below. 


Thanks for reading....

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading and all the support as usual! I hope you liked reading about out bath time (mummy and baby, would of done Reece too but he is more of a shower kind of guy haha). What are some of your bath favourites or essentials? Have you ever used any of these products or has this blog post made you want to try any? Please let me know and comment below! Until my next blog post please check out some of my articles featured on (most recent article I will link below) and follow my social media for more of insight into my day to day life (links homepage or menu of blog). Till next time readers. 

Stay Happy Everyone :) !

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Easy DIY Harry Potter Costume For Baby

Something Different...
Hi there readers! I hope you are all doing well. Today's blog post is something a bit different to what I usually write about, its a DIY (do it yourself) project. I'm in no way amazing at DIY but I do dabble in it now and again, its something I really enjoy doing and I know a lot of people would like to read. So here it is.

Why Harry Potter?...
Why Harry Potter? Well for 1. Why not? haha and 2. My niece turned 7 years old on Sunday and the day before (so the Saturday) she was having a harry potter themed birthday party. I had known about it for a while but couldn't decide what to dress Ella-Grace up as, all the costumes I had seen on the internet were either really expensive or not a character, just a quote on clothing such as 'snuggle this muggle' or 'she/he has just been born'. These although cute not what I wanted. So I decided last minute that I would make her outfit for her (I had never felt like more of a mum in my life haha). Toying between making her a Dobby costume or Harry Potter, I decided that Dobby's ears would be too difficult and Harry Potter would look so cute.
Off to the nearest/biggest craft store in town (Hobby-craft) I went hunting for the things I needed. Unfortunately I didn't have time to get some minor details I would of wanted such as the glasses which I couldn't find anywhere in baby size, a small owl toy or baby safe facepaint for the scar (I did draw it on with some brown eyeshadow and a brush but I was scared it was bad for her skin so I wiped it off)) so yeah she might just look like a school kid with a cape but oh well I thought it was cute and everyone at the party knew what I was going for.

What you need...

All this cost less than £10 (Probably around £6/7)
All you need is...
-Black felt (I used a sparkly one to add more magic)
-Red Felt
-Dark Yellow Felt
-Glue Gun and Some Glue to go in it (the one I bought came with glue)
-Safety Pins (which I never actually ended up using but you might)
-Plain White Vest


Step 1: Draw a tie shape in the Yellow or Red Fabric
I personally chose to use the yellow fabric to draw out my tie on as it is a lighter color therefore easier to see the pencil lines on. I would advise using pencil not pen and starting to draw it nearer a corner for easier cutting and if you make a mistake then have to re-do it you will still have plenty space. So yes I googled 'Griffindor tie' and copied the shape the best I could. Remember this tie is for a baby (mine being almost 5 months old) so it doesn't have to be massive. After this move on to the next step: Cutting.

Step 2: Cut out the tie 
Not much to say for this one it is quite a simple task, just cut out the tie and check you are hapy with it. If not re-do it. I was happy with mine so I continued on,

Step 3: Cut out strips from the Red fabric

Again quite straigh forward, just cut out a few straight strips of the red fabric. I cut out 3 and that was enough but it depends on the length of your tie/width of strips.

Step 4: Place on tie and pencil on where needs cut

Obviously the strips will only cover part of the tie so once you have drawn and cut these out you will have to repeat this process for the end of the tie with the left over parts of the strips. But yes place on top of tie to see what angle the strips need to be and how they need to be cut then pencil marks on.

Step 5: Cut out strips and repeat step 4

You should end up with perfectly fitting strips (it was hard to get them at the right angle but possible) and then as I previously said repeat step 4 with the end of the tie and left over strips until you have a pile of stripes for your tie.

Step 6: Let the hot glue heat

Insert the stick of glue into the glue gun and let it heat for about 5 mins until ready to use.

Step 7: Glue stripes on tie and cut away excess glue

Carefully glue the stripes onto the tie (remember to cover your surface incase you spill some hot glue, I just used a bit of kitchen roll). Once they are all glued on and your happy with it let it dry for a minute or two and then cut away the excess glue around the edges of the tie.

Step 8: Decide where you want it on the vest and protect inside. 

Fold up a bit of kitchen roll or anything that could protect the inside of the vest and place it inside it making sure to be behindthe area you will be gluing the tie on. Position the tie where you want it and then move on to step 9.

Step 9: Glue the tie onto the vest

Start with the top edge place that on then glue an edge at a time. Be very careful not to use too much glue and keep checking the vest isn't gluing to the protector on the inside (mine never did so it should be fine).

Step 10: Press down the tie, glue any bits that aren't stuck down properly 

After you do this leave to dry for a minute checking that it is securely down then remove protector from the inside.

Step 11: The 'cloak'

Mine ended up looking like more of a cape but it did the job. Take the black fabric and place the vest on top of it (sparkly side out) position it the way you want it and glue top corners onto the vest making sure not to bend vest fabric or the fit on your baby wont be good and potentially uncomfortable.
Alternatively wait till the vest is on your baby and you could safety pin the cape/cloak over it but I think this is the comfier and more practical way to do it.

Step 12: Pair the costume with a pair of black trousers or jeans and add finishing touches. 

I chose to pair the costume with some confy black jeggings for Ella-Grace. You could also add harry potter glasses, a baby safe wand, the scar (with baby safe face paint) or a toy owl. None of which I had last minute unfortunately but if you had more time you could really make this costume the best at any Harry Potter party.

Cuteness Overload...

Image may contain: 1 person, standing
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, indoor

Happy costume making....
I hope you enjoyed this DIY. Its hardly a master piece but a fun little project for you to do for your baby and if you manage to add those little extra's it could look perfect. If you do decide to try this DIY or have done a different DIY costume for your baby please comment a picture below. Thabks as always for reading. This is my second blog post in two days so might take a bit of a break before the next but until then check out my articles on and follow my social media (link on blog homepage/menu) I'M ON TWITTER NOW! Till next time readers.

15 Way Women Have Described Contractions

Stay Happy Everyone :)!

Monday, 14 August 2017

Best birthday ever and my thoughts on turning 21

Image may contain: 1 person

Busy turning 21...
Sorry I haven't posted in over a week now, I was getting good at posting regularly but this past week has been crazy and very busy. Reece was off work for a week and oh yeah it was my 21ST BIRTHDAY!! So this blog post is just a little insight into my feelings on turning 21 and what I did to celebrate (pictures included too!) Enjoy!

Best Birthday Ever...
So my 21st birthday came round so quick and to be honest I wasn't even thinking about it at all on the run up to it as I was so busy looking after Ella-Grace and focusing on her. Everyone said this would happen when I became a mum, I never believed them haha. Anyway I was just expecting to go see my family for the day and then go home nothing massive but they had other plans. 

The morning of my birthday Reece and Ella-Grace surprised me with cards, gifts and two massive number balloons (21). Reece had bought me some things I had pointed out over the past few months that I really wanted (Zoella products mainly) and I got a massive surprise when two train tickets fell out of my birthday card and he revealed that we were going to Newcastle for four days- some people might not think that's anything extravagant but for our first little family trip to a city we had never been to, it was perfect. More about the trip later (and I'm planning to do a separate blog post on it). 

So after the morning of my birthday with my two favourite people, Reece's dad drove us to my parents. But Reece said we needed to stop off somewhere to book a table for my mums birthday (which is at the end of august), I didn't think much of it apart from he said we had to take Ella-Grace in- even though she was sleeping and his dad was in the car- but I just thought he didn't want to leave her. Walking in it was dark and I said to Reece "it must be closed" which is when everyone yelled "SURPRISE!!" never been more shocked in my life haha my sneaky parents and fiance had planned a surprise party. The whole night was great and Ella-Grace did so well considering she had never been to a party with lots of people or out that late, how she managed to sleep through all the noise I will never know. Pics below of how the night went.

Image may contain: 22 people, people smiling

The next day Reece, Ella-Grace and I went home leaving just a few hours to pack as we were going to Newcastle the next morning. Packed and ready to go we left at 7am on Monday and from there we had an amazing time. The best bits by far being taking Ella-Grace swimming (she is such a water baby, lasted a full 2 hours before basically passing out as I took her swimming costume off haha) and going to the Metro center- I think it the 2nd biggest shopping center in the UK- it made Union Square in Aberdeen feel so tiny. Didn't get a chance to do all the things we set out to do but that just gives us a reason to go pack. Pics here.
Image may contain: people sitting, table and indoorImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, sleeping and babyImage may contain: 1 person, sitting, baby and indoorImage may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoorImage may contain: one or more people

Feelings on being 21... 
21. The milestone age that everyone talks about and that the celebrations are the biggest. In my 21 years of life I have had major highs and lows as most people do. I have battled with anxiety and panic attacks in some very dark times and it has been hard but above all that I have met the love of my life who I am soon to marry, we have had the most beautiful and wonderful daughter, I am so proud to be her mum. I now have the best group of friends and an amazing family. I have passed 3 college courses and soon to start my degree from home. I now do something I love, writing from home and get paid for it. My blog is getting noticed and my other writing content is being featured on websites. I am more confident, happy and feel like I am making a difference in the world which is what I have always wanted to do. I may have had hard times and still do but in 21 years I am so grateful for all I have, not everyone in the world makes it to 21 or if they do aren't in the best place and I am lucky enough to be happy. 21 years old and looking forward to the future. I will be writing a blog post soon called "10 things I want to achieve before I turn 30" so that will give you more of insight into that. Stay tuned.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standingImage may contain: 4 people, people smiling
See you soon....
Just a short birthday update for those who are interested to know, I have a lot of different content I am hoping to share soon including DIY and recipes, let me know if you would like to read that or what else you would like me to write about. Until my next blog post don't forget to check out my articles on (latest linked below) and follow my social media pages for updates on me, my family and my blog (links on homepage/menu of blog). I am on twitter now so make sure to follow me on there too. Thanks to everyone (especially my parents and Reece) for making my 21st so special! Comment below how you spent your 21st. Till next time readers.

15 Ways Women Have Described Contractions

Stay Happy Everyone :)!

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Don't Even Get Me Started: Piercing Babies Ears

New Series....
Hi there readers! Thanks for coming back for more of my blog, hope your enjoying it and to all new here WELCOME! Today I have the start of a new series called 'Don't Even Get Me Started!'

"Don't Even Get Me Started" is basically going to be a series of me ranting about things than bug me, upset me or that I have a strong opinion on. Not everyone's cup of tea but 1. It will let me vent, it is after all my personal blog, and 2. I am still all about the positive vibes and nothing I rant about will be directed at a group of people or preached as everyone should think it, it is my personal opinion and if you disagree I encourage you to comment below- nothing wrong with a healthy debate.

Rant of the Day...
Image result for baby ear piercing
(This picture breaks my heart)
This has been on my mind after I seen a video being shared on Facebook. Piercing babies ears. I can't. This is no shade or disrespect to those who do decided to get their child's ears pierced, I'm sure you have your reasons but I just can't understand it and in my opinion it is cruel.
So here we go Don't Even Get Me Started!!!.....
Before I even had Ella-Grace or even found out I was pregnant I seen this same video of a mum taking her smiley baby to get her ears pierced and as they used the gun to pierce both ears the scream is horrendous and heartbreaking. And as I said I saw this video before I was pregnant and I was against it, I always say that people should have a choice in things that happen to them and a baby cannot verbalize this choice and I highly doubt they would choose this.  So it always made me sad but after having Ella-Grace and then seeing the video shared again, Oh my goodness I couldn't even finish the video. I felt sick to my stomach and it literally hurt my soul. I struggle enough to take Ella-Grace to get her immunizations (literally I stress about it for a week before and then almost faint when she gets them, dramatic but I just hate it and want to cuddle her) that she needs let alone some fashion accessories that cause unnecessary pain, all because why? They look pretty? So people know she's a 'girl'? I find that even more frustrating as ear piercings can be either gender and what kind of message is it to send to our children that you have to 'look like a girl' or 'look like a boy', but that's a totally different topic.

Not only will this hurt when the poor baby gets the piercings but the after care isn't the easiest either and she/he will likely be in a lot of pain for a while not to mention the change of infection. On top of all the other reasons for a baby to be unsettled why would you add another unnecessary one? It just does not make sense to me. I get when they get older they won't remember, people say the same thing to me about her injections but I still feel sick every single time she gets them and that doesn't make it any easier.

Not to mention this is a body modification which yes you can take out and it would heal up but it is still likely to leave a scar which might bother your child when they grow up. Yes they are our babies and we have to make decisions they cannot to keep them safe and alive but they are their own person and body modification is not one of these things we must choose.

Talking personally about my daughter now these are the reasons I would never think about getting her ears pierced as a baby...

1. I CANNOT bare to see her in any pain it physically makes me sick and all I want to do is remove her from the situation and make it all better. I had never felt this way before being a mum, the kind of feeling that your soul is literally pulling you towards your baby to save them from the pain. I had to make do with the injections as I knew they were for her health and that was hard enough, why would I put the both of us through this trauma as well? The guilt I would feel after would be overwhelming. 

2. It's not my body, it's hers. Yes she can't make decisions now but I'm pretty sure the innocent mind of a baby would not care if her ears were pierced and would choose the less painful option of not getting them done. Yes I put bows on her which she might not necessarily like, I don't know but she never cries when they are on and if she did it would be off as she clearly would be uncomfortable. As far as I possibly can I want her to make her own decisions and she's a baby so this is difficult, nearly impossible. So if I pierced her ears I would be going against everything I believe in. 

3. There is no need. Simple. I would much rather spend money on a new toy or play-set that could help her learn or develop, a new piece of clothing to keep her warm, a baby group where she can play. Something she needs or will love not something she has no interest in and will not aid her life in any way. 

Those are my reasons anyways. A lot of people may disagree which is fine let me know in the comments what you think I want to try and see your point of view but I can guarantee you won't change mine. Here I was actually going to link the video I seen but pains me so much I couldn't bring myself to look it up. If you want to watch one I am sure their are lots on You Tube, I bet you can't watch it without cringing or crying.
Just to add a very out there opinion on this, I think piercing babies ears should be illegal. Can you tattoo a baby? No. Any other bodily piercings? No. It is in my opinion a form of physical abuse as it is painful for them and so very unnecessary.

That's the end of the rant today, I told you I shouldn't of got started haha. I started being tame and ended in calling it abuse but I can't help it I just don't understand. Maybe your a mum, dad or guardian who has done this or would? Or someone who's parents did this to you? Please comment below if you disagree, I certainly don't want an argument but I am happy to read your opinion as you have read mine.

Bottom line for me, no ear piercings for Ella-Grace until the time she asks for it, IF she ever does. Over protective parent? Drama Queen? Maybe, but I'm happy with this opinion and living a ear piercing free life doesn't seem to be affecting her so we are all good.

Thanks for reading my first 'Don't Even Get Me Started" and letting me vent my feelings on this topic (and breathe haha). Until my next blog post why not check out one of my articles on Baby GaGa, links below:
15 Moms Reveal The One Thing They Said They Would Never Do (But Did Anyway) 
15 Most Ruthless Single Moms
15 Crazy Laws That Actually Discriminate Against Pregnant Women

Also please follow my social media accounts, links on blog homepage/menu.

Till next time readers...

Stay Happy Everyone!  

*I do not own nor did I personally take these images

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