Crazy week...
Well readers, this week has been very busy! I've obviously been doing the job of a stay at home home, looking after my beautiful Ella-Grace (who is badly teething at the moment ahh!). I have also just accepted a writing job with the website 'Baby GaGa' - that i can do from home, what. a. dream! On top of all that I have been feeling really ill but despite all this I still wanted to post my weekly blog post!
So, I have now finished my first article, I thought I would use this free time to work on a little blog post, a Q & A.
Thanks to everyone who sent in questions I hope I answer them well enough for you, here they are!
1. What is the best part of pregnancy?
There is a lot of great things about pregnancy so I don't know how I am going to pick the best part! A few that are definitely some of the best things are: Feeling Kicks, The glow you get and the whole idea of carrying life. The glow you get I didn't really see till I actually gave birth to Ella-Grace when I or even some of my friends look back at pictures when I was pregnant I looked so glamorous in some pictures and feel like my bump gave me more body confidence, I wanted to show it off.
As for the kicks and the carrying life, that goes hand in hand. It is the purest, most natural experience: nothing like it. And to know you are giving this life to the world, someone you will raise to make a positive difference on the world is amazing. The greatest gift.

2. What is the worst part of pregnancy?
There are also (like the previous question) a lot of negative things about pregnancy. Morning sickness, emergency situations and baby blues. Morning sickness for me was horrendous.
Morning sickness- this is just horrible! So much worse than normal sickness, I suffered from it not only at the start of pregnancy but at the end also! And as you have probably heard before or if you have been pregnant before you would already know... it does not just hit in the morning... its all day.
Emergency situations- Pregnancy and birth is a scary and dangerous thing so emergencies can happen. With my labor and delivery being very stressful and turning into emergency where I could of lost my little girl if a wrong decision was made, that is definitely one of the worst parts. The scare you get in emergency situations. You'd think I would say contractions or pain but no the scare of emergency and the risk is definitely worse- although the recovery from a c-section and all the injections are other things that weren't so fun.
(Not to scare you away from pregnancy, it is a very safe process and nowadays mother and baby are usually both happy and healthy. It is the best experience in the world would do it again any day)
3. Will you be having more babies?
I would like to point out the person that asked this actually said 'are you going to be having more adorable babies?' Thank you reader for the compliment! Reece and I have been back and forth with this one, one minute thinking we would love to just be a family of 3 but then the next minute thinking we want 1 or 2 more children in the future.
After Ella-Grace was born I got the contraceptive implant which lasts 3 years (definitely knew we did not want any more children for a while) and we have decided- maybe- that after the implant runs out depending on our financial and living situation (as we like in a 2 bedroom flat now and would like to have a house before we have another baby) we will then try for another baby.
This is obviously not set in stone so don't be surprised if we do not have another baby around that time, that is just the idea at the moment.
4. Have you and Reece become closer since having Ella-Grace? Or has the stress of a new baby caused more arguments?
For this question I needed to consult Reece and we both thought the same thing. Since having Ella-Grace we love each other more than we ever thought we could as we are parents of a beautiful baby girl and that is a very special bond, it has re-enforced our strong relationship which we are thankful for as I know some couples struggle when they become parents, some even breaking up.
As for arguments I wouldn't say we argue more but we argue about different things and if there is a particular night one of us is extremely tired their can be a bit of a tiff but nothing we can't get past.
There is some tips I might have to keeping your relationship strong after baby, but I will leave that for another blog post (keep an eye out for it!).

5. Would you take childcare advice from someone without children?
Personally, I am very stubborn and don't really like taking advice from anyone I like to figure it out myself and be the one giving the advice usually haha. But that does not mean I am rude or not open to hearing advice and this is from ANYONE. I don't mind if you give me advice if you don't have children yourself, maybe you have worked with children? Have small children in your family just not your own or even just read a tip on the internet. I am always willing to listen to anyone. Where I draw the line is if the 'advice' is putting me down as a mum (an insult) or put across as something I have to do rather than something I could try. I think it is important to respect one another's ability to look after your own children and give advice in a positive, helpful way. But yeah to answer the question properly, it wouldn't even cross my mind whether or not to take advice from someone if they did not have children of their own. As long as they are nice that's what matters.
6. How do you feel about people calling their pets their babies?
Great! I would do the same if I had a pet. Nothing wrong with this at all in my opinion. pets are important parts of peoples lives just like children and when you look after them they do feel like your babies. I find this lovely in fact as animals are so pure and deserve all the respect and love us humans demand.
7. What age do you think is the right time to get pregnant?
In general, I don't think there is a right age. Just whenever people feel ready in their lives- if they ever do- that is the right time for them. There should be no discrimination as I always say we need to be nice and support each other no matter of if you are a teen mum or older mother.
For me personally I always wanted to be a young mother, don't know why really? Just always have and I would never change it for the world.
8. What movies could you watch over and over again, and still love?
Shrek. Despicable Me. Matilda. Any Leonardo DiCaprio Movie (especially Wolf of Wall Street)
9. What was your dream job when you were younger?
Singer or Author. Now singing I more do in my spare time (mostly in the shower haha) and Author is still a dream of mine if I ever finish writing a novel.
10. Is there anything that makes you think "what was I thinking?" when you look back on life? If so what?
Certain outfits or make up looks I have done. Old Facebook posts.
11. What 3 things could you not live without?
I take it by things this does not mean people so I think I would choose 1. Ella-Grace's Photo Album 2. Books 3. My phone . (If the question was referring to non-material things Equal rights and Love would be top of that list!)
12. Who was the first person you told you were pregnant?
Reece. I whatsapped him a picture of the test but he didn't know what the lines meant so I had to type 'I'M PREGNANT!!'
13. What's your favorite show to binge watch?
Pretty Little Liars, Skins or American Horror Story (depending on my mood). I also love Criminal Minds.
14. How has your life changed since having Ella-Grace?
It has changed everything. Turned my world upside down in the best way. I am never bored, always busy and so much happier. Yes, it comes with added stress as being a parent is a big responsibility but it is the best thing in the world. I have a little girl, my best friend for life. Because of Ella-Grace as well she has encouraged me to pursue my dream as a writer to make her proud. She has enriched my life so much.

15. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Not going to write too much for this one as I would like to do a separate blog post on this, but I will say I see myself and my family living in a different location and maybe with another little one.
Hope you liked it....
Just a quick Q & A for you guys, I hope you enjoyed reading! Let me know anymore questions in the comments or give me your opinion on the things that have been asked.
Don't forget to check out my first article on Babygaga.com '15 Laws That Actually Discriminate Against Pregnant Women' http://www.babygaga.com/15-crazy-laws-that-actually-discriminate-against-pregnant-women/?utm_source=BG-FB-P&utm_medium=Social-Distribution&utm_campaign=BG-FB-P&view=lista
and follow my other social media (which there is links to on my blog page).
Till next time readers!
Stay Happy Everyone :)!
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