Finally I get to write this post...
I cannot count how many baby name videos I have watched over the years (and still watch to be honest all though I am 99.9% sure I am finished having babies). I just love names whether it be a pet name, a baby name or.. I don't know.. a name for your car maybe? I just love names. I also think that my taste in names is quite unique (some may say too unique haha) but there are also some more common, classic names that I love meaning something for everyone. With all this in mind I thought it would be a great idea to make a baby name blog post for my lovely readers- not to mention the fact I have been so excited to jump on the 'baby names I love but won't be using' band wagon. So, lets get right into it. Happy Reading!
My daughters names and why we picked them...
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Ella-Grace (2 years old) and Sunday (4 months old) |
Ella-Grace Angela
Before going into the names I love but won't be using I thought I would talk about the names I love and have used; the names I chose for my beautiful daughters. Starting off of course with our first born, Ella-Grace.
When I was 17 weeks pregnant with Ella-Grace, Reece and I got a gender scan leading to us finding out we were having a baby girl. Although I feel you can name a child any name no matter what sex they are, we personally have certain names in mind for a 'girl' or for a 'boy' and so when we found out we were having a baby girl picking a name became so real. We spoke about a few names (including Khaleesi- we were big GOT fans at the time) and we settled on Ella-Grace probably about half way through my pregnancy so we knew her name well in advance and so did our family and friends. I adored the name Grace FOREVER, it has always been my favourite name for a little girl and I always saw myself one day having a daughter called Grace but Reece didn't like it when I first suggested it, I was gutted. Now with Grace off the table we were going through other names and the few we really liked were Elsa, Ellie or Ella (Riley was also a contender for a while but that soon went). Elsa (according to Reece) would remind to many people of Elsa from Disney's Frozen so that was gone. Now between Ellie or Ella. I liked both but because one of my best friend's is called Ellie I was leaning more towards Ella; Reece on the other hand liked Ellie. To decide we thought it would be nice to have a double barrelled name for our daughter as of course my name (LauraJane) is double barrelled so we just thought that was a sweet idea. Ellie-Rose or Ella-Rose? No. Ellie-May or Ella-May? Definitely no. We went on like this until I thought I would give Grace one last try. Reece surprisingly loved it and we decided Ella-Grace sounded best. As for her middle name 'Angela' that is my wonderful Mother's name, we were always close but since becoming pregnant she had become my best friend and so I really wanted her represented in my daughters name and so before she was even out of my womb her name was Ella-Grace Angela.
We have never regretted her name, it suits her and we love it still. My personal taste in names is usually a bit more out there but with the two names being together I think it is unique. This being one of the reasons I do not like when people call her 'Ella' as her name is 'Ella-Grace' but now she is nearing 3 years old there is rarely anyone in our family and friends group that would say Ella, it's just not her name. She is our amazing Ella-Grace. No nickname ever stuck as her full name is just so beautiful.
Fun Fact: The live-action Beauty and the Beast film was released on Ella-Grace's due date and during my c-section as they were taking her out, Ariana Grande and John Legend's version of 'Tale as old as time' was playing on the radio and so for a split second I considered changing Ella-Grace's name to Belle but I am glad I didn't.
Sunday Eva Ray
Now for our newest (and most likely last) addition to our family; our little Sunday girl.
Sunday has been in the world now for 4 months and how we chose her name was drastically different to how we chose Ella-Grace's. For one we decided this time around to keep the sex of the baby a surprise and so had to think of both boy and girl names (although, again, I am of the opinion any name can be for anyone). We also seemed to be pickier on names this time maybe because we were pretty confident this baby would be our last and when you already have a child the next name you pick has to 'fit' with the first child's name- although whatever you pick will fit because they will be your kids names haha but that is just how I found myself thinking. I also did want to keep our names secret this time round so it was a surprise to everyone when baby was born. Very different to the first time round.
So the entire pregnancy Reece and I went back and fourth on our 'top' names. The closer it got to my due date the more names that went off the list. Reece never really found a name he loved and for me I just could not commit to any boy names. When it came to girl's names there were two I loved however Reece hated both. One of those names was the name Sunday and I just could not get that name out of my head I just loved it. It was unique, beautiful and I felt went so well with Ella-Grace. Eventually Reece came round on the name on the condition 'if the baby is a girl and is born on a Sunday' (fyi Sunday was born on a Friday hahaha).
So the day arrived where our little surprise was born, we didn't love any boys names and although there was many girls names I adored only one stuck (Sunday) that Reece was still slightly unsure of. A quick birth and there SHE was. The midwife asked if our baby girl had a name and I looked over and Reece and said 'can we use the name I like' to which he responded 'of course!' and so we had ourselves a little Sunday. I think after seeing me push her out he thought I deserved to pick the name haha.
Sunday's middle names 'Eva' and 'Ray' are, like Ella-Grace's, two very special family names. Eva was the name of Reece's late Grandma who he was close with as a child (she passed away when Reece was quite young, I unfortunately never met her and it was important to Reece to have her represented if we were to have another girl) and Ray is my Dad's name (I love my Dad so much and especially as I took Reece's last name when we got married I wanted to keep part of my Dad's name somewhere). We knew from the start that we wanted those names as the middle names.
Fun Fact: Ray was on our name list as a first name if Sunday had been a boy.
Names I love but wont be using...
I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS! I adore all these names and hope you find one or multiple that you like too.
Girls names
I could fill so many lists with girls names it was so hard to whittle it down to just 10 names but these were the ones that came to mind first when writing this post. A good mixture of unique and classic I think. So many gorgeous names for a baby girl.
My favourite girls name (apart from the one's I chose for my daughters of course). When I said earlier I had two names I loved for Sunday, this was the second name but Reece did not like it at all (he said that if we used Lavender people would call her 'Lavvy' *). I on the other hand think it is a beautiful name and first heard it in one of my favourite childhood novels, Matilda. Lavender was Matilda's best friend. The little girl who plays Lavender in the film adaption is also so cute so that made me love it even more. So unique, so beautiful!
Matilda. Can you tell how much I love the film/book? Aside from the obvious reasons of loving the character I just love the name Matilda. It's not that common and because I have a love of books I loved the thought of naming my daughter after a character/book. Again, Reece did not like it.
A name I have loved since I was younger along side Grace was, Melody. If any of you reading this are hardcore Disney fans you may recognise this name from Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea. Melody is the name of Prince Eric and Ariel's daughter. Ever since I heard Ariel sing "You are the song I'm singing, You're my beautiful Melody" I was sold on that name. Like many of the names on this list though Reece was did not like it and so it was unfortunately vetoed. I still think it is a beautiful and unique name,
I think this one I may have used for a boy also but I first thought of it as a potential name for our daughter. Winter again I think is such a unique and beautiful name (I will probably say that a lot), there is something about names of seasons, weather, animals and (clearly) days of the week that I just love! These are the names that people often think are too out there but that is exactly what I love about them. Come on, little baby Winter! That is just adorable but also a name I could really see someone growing into- not to mention the cute nickname of Winnie- I just love it. Reece... not so much and so here it is on this list.
A name I first heard on the programme Pretty Little Liars and at the time it was quite unique was Aria. For a while this was my favourite TV show and I adored Aria's character. It was the first time I had ever heard this name and from then loved it and vowed one day I would have a daughter with this name. As time went on though the name grew more popular and by the time I was pregnant with Ella-Grace I knew many Aria's, including Reece's cousin's daughter, and so felt we couldn't use the name. I still do think it is a gorgeous name though.
Reese Witherspoon anyone? I personally am a big fan of her and have always thought she had a great name. But Reece.. Reese... I think you can see why Reece was not keen on using this name for our daughter but I still think it is a lovely name and slightly less 'girly' you could say. Again unique.
Similar to Ella, Elle was another name I suggested. Legally Blonde being one of my favourite films and Elle Woods being a role model to young girls everywhere why would I not want to use this name. Slightly more unique than Ella but with the same classic beauty. Not too out there so I thought I would be able to get Reece on board but he didn't like it when I was pregnant with Ella-Grace and then when I was pregnant again I knew we couldn't have an Elle and an Ella so didn't even mention the name. I love it though.
Another more 'out there' name that I adore is the name Arizona and for a while this was a strong contender to be Sunday's name. I mean "Hi these are my daughters Ella-Grace and Arizona" I just thought it had an amazing ring to it, even Reece was on board for a while but what can I say it just didn't feel quite right and as I said Sunday just stuck in my head so that is why we did not use that name. I first heard Arizona as a name in Greys Anatomy, character Arizona Robbins was my favourite. Obviously not for everyone but I think stands out and would be a great name for a little girl.
True or Truly
Like it or not the Kardashians (in my opinion) have some amazing baby names, the name True being my personal favourite. I actually prefer Truly and as they are so similar I thought I would put them both here. I am a big fan of Modern Virtue Names, meaning names that you give your child based on qualities you hope they have to for example with this name 'True' you want your child to be truthful. I just think that is so sweet. Reece did not think it was so sweet however so the name was off the table. True or Truly though, I think are so cute for a baby girl.
Back to a more classic name now with Sophie. This name I think was one I loved back in Primary School, I just thought it was really nice. I forgot about it for a while until I watched Mamma Mia and of course Amanda Seyfried's character is called Sophie, this made me fall in love with it all over again. Reece was on board with this name for a while (although he preferred Sophia) until we realised he was related to two Sophie's and it just put us off. I do think Sophie is a great name though, classic and beautiful.
Boy names
I found boys names so much harder- good job I had two girls- and think if Sunday had been a boy it would of took us at least a week to name her we just could not agree on a name. I personally am not a fan of overly 'masculine' names and like a softer name for a boy which is a theme you will see through out this.
The first boy name I have is Chance. Everyone I spoke to about this name said it was a name for a dog not a person (which is kind of correct it is the name of a dog in the movie Homeward Bound) but I thought different. I could see us having a little Chance running around but like I said it reminded everyone, including Reece of a dog name.
Who doesn't love the name Harry to be honest? It is very common but so classic and sweet. This may have been Sunday's name if she had been a boy. We were struggling with boys names and I remember sitting in the hospital before Sunday was born watching Harry Potter and thinking that I really like that name. I had for a while but was trying to think of something more unique. But these names are popular for a reason I guess, they are lovely names and Ella-Grace and Harry? How cute.
Another top contender for if Sunday had been a boy was the name Jonas. I don't know how we came across this name but both Reece and I loved it. Paired with my Dad's name, Jonas Ray just sounded cool. Sitting in the labor room we were really warming up to this name.
I really tried to get Reece to come around on this name but he didn't like it. I really like names, especially boys names, that end in 'ely' and this was my favourite. It's not too masculine, its sweet and I loved the nickname 'Blake'. I loved it so much that I also suggested it for a girl but again Reece didn't like it.
A bit more unique now is the name 'Hero'. This was locked in as Sunday's name had she had been a boy for almost my whole pregnancy with her, it was only towards the end I started to waiver from it but I still think had she of been a he we may have used it still. How cute having a little Hero in my arms, definitely one of my favourite names. We also considered it for a girl but that never stuck.
One Reece was not a fan of but I liked was the name Cullen. It may remind some people too much of the vampire Edward Cullen from Twilight but for me I just thought it was a strong but somewhat romantic name. Unique and sweet I could picture a little boy called Cullen but also picture a man with this name, it was a name you could really grow into.
Now for Reece's all time favourite name (other than his own haha) and that is Cody. I wasn't as in love with this name as Reece was but I did like it and seeing him love a name so much made me like it even more. A sweet name for a baby boy and not too common. This was on our list for both Ella-Grace and Sunday but obviously we never got a chance to use it.
My FAVOURITE boys name ever. 100% this would have been Ella-Grace's name if she had been a boy. I adore the actor Leonardo Dicaprio and think he is an amazing role model, as well as this I think Leonardo is just the most beautiful name for a baby boy. Reece liked the nickname Leo and so when we found out we were pregnant with Ella-Grace instantly we knew this was our boy name. With Sunday Reece had gone off the name a bit so it was no longer top of our boys name list but it is still my favourite boys name ever. Personally I would not use the nickname Leo because I think Leonardo is just too beautiful to shorten. Strong, gorgeous name for a perfect baby boy.
While we are on the Italian name train, Eduardo was another of my favourite boy names but Reece did not like it at all. Ignoring the not so nice (only in my opinion) nicknames of Ed or Eddie, I thought the name Eduardo was again so sweet for a little boy. I thought Ella-Grace and Eduardo had a nice ring to it but like I said Reece was not a fan.
The last name on this list and the final boys name is Fox. Like I said earlier I am a fan of animal names as baby names and I think Fox is my favourite one. I also liked Foxley and Fox for short. Reece said no straight away so it was never on our list really but I always thought a little Foxley Webster would of been so cute! Unique and adorable.
Thanks for reading!
And that brings me to the end of this blog post. I really hope you all enjoyed it and hopefully liked some of the names. Leave a comment if you have used or would use any of these names! Also let me know if you would like me do to do a part two, I have lots more names that I would love to share. Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow my social media pages- Instagram @laurajanelifex Facebook LauraJaneLife.
Stay Happy Everyone :) !
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