"If not me, who? If not now, when?"
- Emma Watson
I was born a girl because of this reason certain things were expected of me by society and the ideas I used to have on the world and my place in it was dependant on this minor detail of myself.
For a lot of my school years I thought what I wore had to be appealing to boys, to be worthy I had to have a boyfriend, wearing revealing clothing was "un-lady like' and meant I would not be respected. I used to think that some jobs were just for boys and as a girl my career opportunities were limited and because I was a female I had to act dumb, cause no one likes a confident, smart girl. As I grew up thankfully I saw my true potential was based on more than the gender roles that were pushed on me and since I've been very vocal on equal rights to make sure no one else feels this way but unfortunately this is still a reality in many schools, equality does not seem to be part of the 'curriculum'.
The word 'Feminism' usually has people running for the hills shouting things like 'man hater' but for me the word brings hope and invokes passion (To clarify by 'Feminism' I am talking about equal rights of BOTH genders-male and female- as the definition states). This being a term I never knew of in school but learned in college opening my mind to a whole new world of possibilities, helping me gain confidence in myself and changing me for life. As I said earlier I started to live my life and think of myself differently through my knowledge of equal rights. I fought back to any discrimination I felt I faced and empowered others to do the same, sometimes sticking up for equal rights can cause conflict or people to think your 'too senstitive' but the sense of confidence I had gained meant that I could logically retaliate to any tension, this being one of my qualities I am actually quite proud of . I often think if only I could speak to my 13/14 year old self and tell her what I know now, tell her to be confident, be empowered, don't accept sexism but unfortunately I can't. But I can or better yet we can help the future generation.
Recently I went through a life changing event, I had a baby. A daughter. A little girl who will grow in society the same as I did right? Wrong. I want her to view herself and her place in the world differently to how I did, I want her to feel strong, independent throughout her life and be treated equally without having to fight for it. So to hopefully make this happen this is my promise to my daughter and I encourage others to uphold a similar promise to their daughters and sons making for a better future because as I quoted at the beginning "If not now, when?"
My darling daughter,
I promise you that you will always know that you are unconditionally loved and valued through everything.
I promise to encourage you to be independent, dream big and break glass ceilings.
I promise to fight your corner if ever someone does you an injustice.
I promise to teach you how you should be treated and in turn how you should treat others.
I promise to educate you in your rights and that discrimination will not be tolerated.
I promise to tell you to be yourself not to conform to what society says a girl should be.
I promise to let you make your own decisions and help you spread your wings.
I promise to give you advice when needed and leave you be when you want to work things out yourself.
I promise to show you the importance of valuing yourself based on what you think not what others think.
I promise to promote equal rights in my day to day life hopefully making a more equal society.
And above all I promise to try and be the best mum and person I can be for you my sweetheart.
Through these promises in your life I hope you will always know that you can do anything and that your value is not based on your gender. I hope these promises empower you and that I can be the strong role model you need.
I know promises can be hard to keep, being a mum can be difficult and what my daughter will face in the world is out of my control but if I educate her in equal rights and encourage others to do the same things might change..
the future generation might be more equal.. boys feeling free to be sensitive... girls not being judged on their looks or on what they wear... equal pay... no gender roles..... more specifically maybe my little girl will be more confident in herself.. maybe if someone tells her she 'runs like a girl' she will think that's great... maybe she will see her career options as vast and not selective.... or if all she gained from these promises was a nagging mum telling her to always fight for what is right I would be okay with that, cause at least she would have this knowledge. That is so important.
A bit different to what I usually write but I was feeling inspired by my little girl and what I wish for her future, I hope you all enjoyed it and if you have a daughter or a son, I hope after reading this it reminds you to not only teach your children about equality but to also uphold this in your own day to day life. Change starts with you readers, make a difference! Thanks for reading!
Stay Happy Everyone :)!